We endorse Erica Smith for Congress in North Carolina!


Donate to Erica Smith's campaign for Congress here.

Turn on images to see Erica Smith.

Turn on images to see Erica Smith's tweet: If SCOTUS upholds Mississippi's abortion ban, Congress must immediately abolish the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade.

What would you like someone running for Congress to say and do after this week's Supreme Court hearing about overturning Roe vs. Wade?

How about this: "If SCOTUS upholds Mississippi's abortion ban, Congress must immediately abolish the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade."

Spot on. And that's what Erica Smith, who we just endorsed for Congress in North Carolina's 2nd District, said on Twitter right after the SCOTUS hearing.

Erica has spent her life fighting for small communities and farmers -- while challenging CEOs, Wall Street bankers, and corrupt politicians. She is running in the area she grew up in and represented for years as a state senator. And she excites people.

Can you chip in $2 to Erica Smith's campaign today -- to add her vibrant voice to Congress?

Erica will fight for higher wages, more rural hospitals, and expanding rural broadband -- and she is not taking corporate PAC or fossil fuel money. She will fight back against corporate monopolies that have hollowed out the communities in her district. So in order to win, she needs support from you, John.

Our endorsement of Erica Smith is part of our drive to elect a diverse slate of progressive candidates around the nation. With this endorsement, Erica joins Summer Lee (PA-18), Attica Scott (KY-03), Tom Winter (MT-01), Brittany Ramos Debarros (NY-11), and Jessica Cisneros (TX-28). Five of the six 2022 House candidates we've endorsed this year are women of color.

In light of yesterday's Supreme Court hearing on a draconian Mississippi abortion law, Erica Smith's support for abortion rights cannot go unmentioned. Barriers to care disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other people of color; those working to make ends meet; immigrants; young people; those living in rural communities; and people with disabilities.

As the Supreme Court hearing ended yesterday, Erica said on Twitter "If SCOTUS upholds Mississippi's abortion ban, Congress must immediately abolish the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade."

Our endorsement of Erica is also about the fact that building back better should not be this hard.

This fall, a handful of corporate-aligned holdout House Democrats blocked the widely popular Build Back Better legislation which expands child care, ushers in universal pre-k, combats climate change, lowers the cost of prescription drugs and health care, and extends the child tax credit -- paid for by taxing corporations and ultra-wealthy individuals who have avoided taxation. During the delay, Democrats lost the governorship in Virginia and significantly underperformed in New Jersey.

We need elected officials like Erica who will fight for everyday Americans, not obstruct popular legislation on behalf of corporate interests.

Please make an initial donation to bold progressive Erica Smith's campaign for Congress in North Carolina.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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