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How Better Statistics Lead To Better Policy
In A Changing World

DECEMBER 3, 2021; 11:00AM - 2:00PM ET


TODAY from 11am - 2pm ET, join the Progressive Policy Institute’s Innovation Frontier Project for a virtual conference for policymakers, staffers and journalists titled “How Better Statistics Lead to Better Policy in a Changing World.”

Our economy is becoming increasingly global and digital, but economic statistics are slow to adapt to this new reality. In many ways policymakers are flying blind: Why don't we have the data we need on the digital economy, the price and value of cutting-edge medical treatments, and global supply chains and inflation? Innovation is everywhere except in the economic statistics.

The Innovation Frontier Project has assembled a panel of leading experts who will address the need for new statistics in the key areas of the digital economy; health care; and supply chains. They will show how a relatively small investment in improving our data can avoid huge policy mistakes. 

WHAT: Virtual conference for policymakers, staffers, and journalists

WHEN: Friday, December 3; 11:00am-2:00pm ET; Zoom

PURPOSE: This conference brings together leading experts to show how our economic statistics need to be improved to avoid policy mistakes in the digital and global economy.


Michael Mandel
  Vice President and Chief Economist, PPI

Arielle Kane

   Director of Health Policy, PPI
Panel 1: Measuring the Digital Economy

Diane Coyle
  Professor of Public Policy, University of Cambridge (keynote)
Shane Greenstein
  Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Panel 2: Tracking Health Care

David Cutler
  Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University
Murray Aitken
  Executive Director, IQVIA Institute for Human Data Science
 Vice-President and Director of Research, Upjohn Institute for Employment
Robert Johnson
  Associate Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame
Concluding Remarks

John Haltiwanger
  Professor of Economics, University of Maryland
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