With last month’s vote, the House of Representatives included funding for home- and community-based services (HCBS) in their version of the Build Back Better act — but the Senate still has to do the same. This funding represents a critical investment in services for people with disabilities and aging adults, in addition to the workforce that provides those supports. It’s up to our Senators to get this vital bill across the finish line.
Give your Senators a call today. Call 202-224-3121 to speak to your Senators’ office, or look up your Senators’ offices contact info here. You can use our script:
Hello! My name is [your full name], and I am from [city]. I’m calling to ask Senator [Name] to make sure the Senate quickly passes the Build Back Better package that includes at least $150 billion for Medicaid home- and community-based services.
Home and community-based services funded by Medicaid allow people with disabilities like [me/ my family member/ my friends/ my neighbor/ etc.] to continue living safely at home. These services keep people with disabilities out of institutions. The House has already included this funding in the Build Back Better actl. We just need the Senate to include it too. This funding is a life and death issue for disabled [residents of your state]. Can I count on Senator [Name] to stand up for people with disabilities by getting the Senate bill over the finish line quickly?
Have call anxiety, or wondering what to expect from a call to your elected officials? Check out this guide to making a call to your members of Congress. Unable to speak on a phone call due to a disability? Check out our Proxy Calling System here. Want to help someone else make a call? Consider signing up to be a proxy caller.
By calling your Senators, you are playing a vital role in this fight for our rights. HCBS funding has a direct impact on the disability community throughout the entire country — so now is the time to let the Senate know how urgent this funding is for us. The Senate must invest in these necessary services in order to provide the life changing support our community needs. Let’s make it happen, together!
Autistic Self Advocacy Network
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
United States
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