Jack — Scientists in South Africa have identified a new strain of COVID-19, the Omicron Variant. This strain has been seen in many countries, but is most worrisome for developing nations around the world, which are already struggling with access to vaccines. Without the protection that vaccines confer, their communities are being severely impacted.

Public health experts from all over the globe agree — vaccine inequity between wealthier and poorer nations will only continue to incubate more harmful strains of the virus. So we want to hear from you: Would you support an international initiative for vaccine equity?

Take the survey

According to estimates, low-income countries have received less than 1% of the nearly 8 billion shots that have been administered worldwide. This has led to various, deadly mutations of the virus that continue to impact communities everywhere. 

Right now, Big Pharma is withholding key vaccine information that has the potential to ramp up production worldwide and truly end this pandemic. But while executives are worried about their bottom line, millions of people around the world continue to suffer. 

Without a concerted effort to vaccinate people around the globe, it’s only a matter of time before the virus mutates into another, and potentially more aggressive, variant. This should concern every nation. As evidenced by this global pandemic, viruses don’t stop at borders. 

HEAL PAC is committed to supporting leaders who understand data and respect science, leaders who are working towards effective, implementable healthcare solutions that our nation needs to end this pandemic. You’re a valuable partner in this effort, so we want to hear from you, Jack: Do you support initiatives for vaccine equity?

Let us know!

Thank you for your time and input, 

— Team HEAL