Here they go again. Just in time for the holidays, Dr. Anthony
Fauci, President Joe Biden, and all the chicken littles in the corporate press are signaling a new round of lockdowns for the latest
“variant” of the lab-created COVID virus . . . which is shaping up to be a mild cold.
One has to wonder how many more times the public can be whipped into panic mode. The answer is that Biden, Fauci, and CDC bureaucrats need to keep
scare-mongering in order to tighten their grip on the American people. And of course, the
solution offered by the shameless legacy media darling and probable architect of the pandemic, Dr. Fauci, is to do even more of what hasn’t
worked throughout the Coronacrisis. Of course, Biden and Fauci aren’t considering
anything that would actually help sick people. THEY want
whatever maximizes profits for their cronies in Big Pharma;
THEY want whatever allow them to continue to clamp down on liberty and seize even more power;
THEY want whatever will keep the public scared and obedient.
Their buddies in the corporate press are towing the line in are even more militant and unhinged than
ever. This week, in what was described as a shocking rant, CNBC host Jim
Cramer demanded President Biden declare a nationwide vaccine mandate enforced by the military:
“How do
we finally put an end to this pandemic? Simple! The federal government needs to require vaccines, including booster shots, for
everyone in America, by say, January 1st. This charade must end. We have immunocompromised
people who are incubators for every variant to come walking around lawfully unvaccinated? That’s psychotic. So, it’s time to admit that we
have to go war against covid. Require vaccination universally. Have the military
run it. If you don’t want to get vaccinated, you better be ready to prove your conscientious objector status in
court.” Patriot,
he said this with a straight face. What he’s describing is a military enforced crack down on the unvaccinated and putting
those who haven’t gotten the “required” number of jabs on trial.
This is insanity. Last year, I warned about the lockdowns, the
mandates, the COVID camps, the vax passports, and the creation of two classes of Americans.
With Fauci also saying “nothing’s off the table” when asked about new lockdowns and domestic travel restrictions over the weekend, I
smell even more trouble. Sign the postcard to your U.S. Representative and Senators
DEMANDING they stop any escalation of COVID measures, including future lockdowns.
I cannot believe I am saying this, but a new round of lockdowns and travel
restrictions are on the table, with the so-called “new variant,” Omicron, as the justification.
My son, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is warning that Dr. Fauci is becoming even more dangerously unhinged as he declares questioning him is
“dangerous.” Rand described just how dangerous the out-of-control bureaucrat has become on Fox News:
sort of a way of ending all debate because if you attack him or have any debate over any of his edicts or his mandates, you're attacking science. But
this is a very, very dangerous sort of idea. The idea that a government bureaucrat represents
science and that he is now untouchable – that it is sort of like you are now contradicting the all high priest of science, if you say anything.
You're not to question him, just do as you're told. Dr. Fauci says he is the all-powerful Oz,
and we shouldn't question him. That's a real problem in a free country.” It would be one thing if Fauci’s ideas and power grabs were limited to the federal bureaucracy, but
his bad ideas have been picked up and used as tremendous weapons against liberty on the state and local level.
Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) is actively considering punishing the unvaccinated with a total vaccine passport
system with a scannable QR code throughout the entire state. Even with the well documented
failure of the experimental vaccinations to stop the spread of COVID, these horrible ideas are spreading just as rapidly.
Worse yet, Gov. Baker is colluding with other governors to get this done and said as much on GBH News Boston Public Radio,
“It's a universal standard and we've been working with a bunch of other states, there's probably 15 or 20 of them, to try to create a single
QR code that can be used for all sorts of things where people may choose to require a vaccine," Baker said. I don’t know about you, but I see vaccination passports as the biggest threat you and I face right now.
They’re a complete violation of civil rights you can never escape once they become
widespread. While much of the country is trying to move on from COVID, governors like Charlie
Baker are threatening to drag us back into the worst medical tyranny imaginable. These
mandates and lockdowns, in ANY form need to stop IMMEDIATELY. Sign the
postcard to your U.S. Representative and Senators DEMANDING they stop any escalation of COVID measures, including future
lockdowns. Fauci, Biden, and tyrannical governors like Charlie Baker
(R-MA) have unapologetically positioned themselves as total enemies of liberty. And
they’ll never stop until the people refuse to comply and take effective political action in support of liberty.
There is good news starting to come from the courts. This week, a third ruling went against Biden’s federal
vaccination mandates -- this time for health care workers whose companies take Medicare and Medicaid subsidies. Just like the two previous rulings
against the employer vaccination mandate requirement, this is a a major defeat for Biden. And
there is a move in the works by several members of Congress and the Senate to orchestrate a government shut down until Biden’s vaccine mandates
are completely defunded. But do not think there’s no need to act just because some
federal judges and members of Congress are starting to do the right thing and defend medical freedom.
We need Congress to step in and assert the authority they have instead of giving it up completely to unelected bureaucrats and the White House.
A lot more is needed, so please take action AT ONCE, to keep the momentum going.
Sign the postcard to stop any future lockdowns and
tyrannical COVID mandates. Then I urge you to rush in a donation of $50, $150, or
even $250 if you can afford it. Fighting these battles for medical freedom for the
last 20 months have come at a tremendous cost, but we at Campaign for Liberty understand that times have certainly been tight since the lockdowns
began. If the above amounts are too much, would you consider chipping in $10?
And with some victories coming in, it would be unwise to get
complacent in the face of coming lockdowns and vaccine passport schemes being launched in more states.
The fight to preserve health freedom will continue to be the biggest battle we face in 2022.
The political class has invested so much time and money into making the COVID tyranny permanent, so you and I cannot afford to let them gain any
more ground. For Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. There is
no limit to what freedoms Dr. Fauci and his band of mini-medical dictators will take from us if the public continues to obey him.
Campaign for Liberty urgently needs your help as the 2020 Coronacrisis extends into 2022.
Sign the
postcard to stop any future lockdowns and tyrannical mandates! If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.