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The Dan Bongino Show
November 1, 2019
Listen To Today's Podcast:
ep 1101

In this episode, I address the Democrats’ collapsing case for impeachment as yet another key witness blows up in the Democrats’ faces. I also address the explosive case of the spies working inside the White House. Finally, I discuss deeply troubling video from these two leading Democrats along with the latest economic numbers.
Dan's News Picks:  

Bernie and Warren Want a Wealth Tax – Here’s Why Most Countries Repealed Theirs

Forget high income taxes, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are going after the farm too. No tax is too much for the duo, including one that some legal experts believe may be unconstitutional; a wealth tax.



Here’s Why Democrats REFUSE To Tell the Truth About Middle Class Taxes

If you’ve been paying attention to the left-wing populism of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, you know they want you to believe that there’s no social program America cannot afford. We only need to do one thing – tax the millionaires and billionaires!

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