Dear John,

This election is our chance to get more Green MPs into Parliament to put even more pressure on old politics, make sure we see real climate action and campaign for a People’s Vote.

We have impressive candidates standing around the country with the determination and experience needed to make a real difference. One of them is Councillor Carla Denyer in Bristol West:

John, if you want a Greener and fairer Britain, we need your help today to make it real. Every penny goes to helping amazing candidates like Carla get elected.


Did you know that Carla was the Councillor who got the first climate emergency declared by her Council? And in the Euro elections, we came first in Bristol. Not only does Carla have the determination to do what is necessary, as a renewables engineer she also has the experience this country needs.

We are the only party that has the skills and a substantial plan to deliver a Green New Deal that will build a fairer and Greener Britain. Greens ask the tough questions, reveal the inconvenient truths and offer real solutions, not sticking plasters. The time is now to give Green.


Thank you for your continued support. We can not do this without you.

Jonathan Bartley

P.S Keep a lookout in our upcoming emails about our action days in Bristol West. We’d love to get you involved!


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Promoted by Judy Maciejowska on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG, United Kingdom
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