
2021 will be remembered as the year that our government began turning the tide against the crises of climate, public health, and our democracy with a bold package of reforms responding to the needs of the American people.

We passed the American Rescue Plan Act, distributing hundreds of millions of vaccines and helping American families deal with rising costs by putting up to $300 per month, per kid in their bank accounts thanks to the expanded Child Tax Credit (and are cutting child poverty in half in the process!).

We enacted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act — a once-in-a-generation investment in our nation’s roads, bridges, ports, and more that will create jobs and help pave the way for more economic opportunity for all.

And Senate Democrats are coming together to pass the Build Back Better Act which will reduce the cost of living by lowering the cost of healthcare, child care, elder care, and further cut taxes for millions of families — all while making a historic effort to address the climate crisis and making the wealthy and big corporations pay their fair share.

These achievements are no small feats — but please understand our work is far from over. Truthfully, this is only the beginning, which is why I wanted to reach out about your top priorities.

Can you take my short survey to let me know which issues are most important to you? There’s still time left to make a difference before the year ends and I want to make sure I know what issues are at the top of your mind.


I appreciate any feedback or input you’re able to provide. Reading your responses provides my work with important meaning and perspective.

Thanks for taking the time.

— Cory