This is URGENT, John:
The Cook Political Report just called the Arizona Senate race a TOSS-UP! If we’re going to re-elect Mark Kelly and make sure Democrats maintain the majority, we’re going to need your grassroots support to register more voters -- and fast!
Cook Political Report: Arizona Senate Race: TOSS-UP!
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Voto Latino has years of experience registering the very voters who can help swing elections:
Last year alone, we registered more voters in Arizona than the Democratic margin of victory.
Nearly 80% of the Latinx voters we registered in 2020 turned out to cast a ballot. And for more than half of them, it was their first time to ever cast a vote!
In race after race, we’ve proven we can register and mobilize young Latinx voters, and that their votes will make a decisive difference.
But all of our work depends on support from grassroots donors like you, John. So if you can, please make a donation right now to help us register and mobilize more Latinx voters in Arizona and all over the country next November!
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The Voto Latino Team
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington, DC 20033
United States
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