We couldn't’ have gotten this done without you:

Thank you so much for your continued support. This dedicated team is why I get to fight for Maryland in Congress -- including passing the bipartisan infrastructure package through the House and getting it signed into law last month.

The infrastructure bill will make powerful investments in Maryland’s infrastructure that will make a big difference in our economy and communities for years to come:

  • REBUILD AND REPAIR ROADS AND BRIDGES: In Maryland, there are 273 bridges and over 2,000 miles of highway that are in poor condition. Each year, drivers pay $637 on average in costs due to driving on bad roads. The infrastructure bill will give our state the resources to rebuild and repair our roads and bridges and make them more resilient in the face of climate change and extreme weather.

  • REDUCE COMMUTE TIMES: Over 20% of Maryland’s public transit vehicles are “past their useful life,” and Marylanders who take public transit spend an extra 66% of their time commuting. With this bill, our state can improve public transportation and reduce commute times.

  • EXPAND BROADBAND: This legislation will also expand broadband to at least 148,000 Marylanders who currently lack access, and over 1 million Marylanders will be eligible for financial assistance to make broadband more affordable and put it within reach for more families in our state.
  • MITIGATE SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES AND CURB INFLATION: Upgrades our nation’s airports and ports to strengthen our supply chains and reduce costs, improve U.S. competitiveness, and reduce emissions. 

We couldn’t have gotten this done without people like you getting involved.

When you support our campaign, you give us the resources to connect with voters and tell them about the important work we’re doing in Congress -- like the bipartisan infrastructure package. And when we talk to voters, it puts us in a stronger position to bring home a win on Election Day so I can continue delivering for Marylanders in the House. 

Your friend,


P.S. If you didn’t get a chance to chip in last month, that’s OK! We could still use your help as we prepare for 2022. Click here to chip in now. >>


Dutch Ruppersberger has called Baltimore home for his entire life. He is committed to fighting for accessible health care, securing our safety, creating jobs, and helping businesses grow. Learn more at www.dutchforcongress.com.

P.O. Box 231
Timonium, MD 21094
United States
