Dear John,
This is our chance.
Next week the DNR Board is holding public hearings across the state to decide whether to expand the strong manure spreading rules conservation voters like you won for eastern Wisconsin last year statewide.
But powerful special interests like the Dairy Business Association and Wisconsin Dairy Alliance are working behind the scenes to stop our work to protect Wisconsin’s drinking water in its tracks. AGAIN.
Too many Wisconsinites cannot turn on their taps without worrying about toxic nitrate contaminating their water. Your urgent support today helps us fight back against polluting special interests and let decision makers know they need to act now to protect your drinking water: [[link removed]]
Conservation voters fought for these rules because you know just how dangerous manure and nitrate in your drinking water can be. Cancer, diabetes, pre-term birth – and even infant death – have all been linked to nitrate pollution.
It’s time to make your voices heard again, while the DNR Board takes public input about whether it should begin the process to expand these hard-won manure spreading rules to the rest of the state.
Our field team is hard at work turning out voters, farmers, activists, local elected leaders, and public health officials to the DNR Board hearings in Janesville, Fond du Lac, and Hancock, but special interests like the Dairy Business Association are going to throw their full weight into stopping these measures that protect Wisconsin families from dangerous manure and nitrate in your drinking water.
Can we count on your support with a gift of $100, $50, $25 – or whatever you can afford - to help us ensure the DNR board hears the voices of concerned Wisconsinites like you? [[link removed]]
Thank you for taking a stand for Wisconsin’s water.
Seth Hoffmeister
Organizing and Political Director
Wisconsin Conservation Voters
P.S. As the DNR Board looks to expand hard-won manure spreading rules to every corner of the state, powerful polluting special interests are standing in the way of protecting Wisconsin’s drinking water. Will you support us with a gift today that will help us keep fighting for clean, manure-free water for everyone in Wisconsin? [[link removed]]
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Wisconsin Conservation Voters
133 S. Butler Street Suite 320
Madison, WI 53703
United States