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Dear John, 

If you are involved with nonprofits, philanthropy or social change of any kind, NPQ provides you with the news you can use. Tailored, contextualized in our real political and policy environment, and grounded in the realities to face each day, NPQ delivers.

When we cover something, in other words, it is with an eye to how it will affect your work. So, for instance, if you are an environmental activist, news about the new wave of sometimes draconian state laws that are targeting your free speech rights will be important to you (and the rest of us);

And if you are a Native activist, articles about how to overcome the barriers to funding will matter to you (and the rest of us); if you are a young activist, you may be able to make good use of our articles about the new shapes and dynamics of movements, leadership, coaching, communications, governance, networks and a host of other things we cover. If you are Black woman stuck in a no-win power dynamic in a philanthropic institution, if you are part of a self-advocacy group of people with a disability. Or you are a baby boomer who is trying to understand the dynamics of a leadership transition – our news and research based resources are always here for you meeting you where you are – in the middle of your activism.

But we need you to contribute what you can to make sure we can do our work  with the integrity YOUR critical work demands.

This is the type of journalism that cannot wait. Because if we don’t tell these stories, who will? 

That’s why we’re eager to share an opportunity to double your donation this year. We have been selected to participate in NewsMatch, a national matching-gift campaign that drives donations to nonprofit newsrooms (like us!) around the country. Last year alone, NewsMatch helped raise more than $7.6 million for 154 news organizations in 42 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.   

Here’s how it works.  

Starting now — through December 31 — NewsMatch will match your new monthly donation 12x or double your one-time gift, all up to $1,000.

We can earn up to $20,000 in matching dollars, which means Nonprofit Quarterly can raise $40,000 in total. For a nonprofit like us, this is a big deal and will help us deliver the kind of innovative journalism you’ve come to expect, every day.

This news can’t wait. So why would you?

Give today and NewsMatch will double the impact of your donation. 

[Yes, I can’t wait to give!]

With gratitude,

Ruth McCambridge 


P.S. Please help us spread the word! Do you have friends and colleagues who share your commitment to supporting journalism like ours? Forward this email to them (and thank you in advance!).

Again, Thank you for your past financial support