November 1st, 2019
Dear Friends and Supporters
Today was supposed to be the 1st day of an independent United Kingdom outside the European Union. Instead, the deadline for Leaving the EU has again been extended - despite a “Do or Die” pledge from Prime Minister Boris Johnson to take us out by October 31st.
On Monday, October 28th, the European Commission officially accepted the request - by Parliament, not Mr Johnson - to extend the Brexit deadline to January 31st 2020. This means it will have been a massive 1,317 days since we voted to Leave - and we are still a Member of the EU!
The UK will now be going into the General Election in 6 weeks’ time on Thursday, December 12th. This is the first Christmas election in almost 100 years and is being billed by every major party as a Brexit-election, where the people will be asked to break the Remain-majority Parliamentary blockage. This election was called after Boris Johnson refused to go ahead with his Withdrawal Agreement Bill after it passed its second reading in the House of Commons, but MPs refused to pass a timetable which would have seen the October 31st Brexit deadline met – clearly in order for extensive scrutiny and amendments to the Bill by Remainers in Parliament. Boris Johnson has already corrected one of the mistakes Theresa May made in her own Brexit election by confirming he will take part in televised election debates. The first of which has now been confirmed and will take place on the 19th of November on ITV.
A General Election is a dangerous prospect. As Get Britain Out pointed out 2 weeks ago, the Remain Alliance are already planning to ‘rig’ the system by not standing candidates against one another, which means pro-Remain voters will have only one option on their ballot papers to get the most votes to stop Brexit. However, the pro-Leave parties have not agreed to any such deal, and as a result there is a real danger of Remainers slipping through the middle – as they did in the Peterborough and Brecon and Radnorshire By-Elections earlier this year.
Earlier today the Brexit Party held its official campaign launch in Westminster. This was supposed to be an event where Nigel Farage laid out his platform for the upcoming election, but instead, he used it as an opportunity to offer an ‘electoral alliance’ to the Conservative Party. As a condition for forming this alliance, the Prime Minister would be required to abandon his Withdrawal Agreement in favour of negotiating a simple free trade deal with the European Union by July 2020. This would be a difficult prospect, because the EU has point blank refused to discuss any trade deal until after an official Withdrawal Agreement has been agreed. This is also not the clean break Brexit which many of you, our supporters, have been demanding. It would leave us potentially extending Article 50 again to negotiate the terms of such a trade deal, and could still see the EU bringing back elements of the Withdrawal Agreement (such as requiring a level-playing field on trade regulations) as a price for agreeing to the trade talks.
Many people – including United States President, Donald Trump – believe an alliance between Boris and Farage would create an unstoppable electoral force. However, the Brexit Party has not - so far - indicated in which constituency Farage and his Chairman, Richard Tice, would want to stand in the election. In addition, polling suggests many Brexit Party supporters are in favour of Boris Johnson’s Withdrawal Agreement. It is certainly something to think about, but both parties may need to row back on their positions if they want to make a deal happen between them. However, as Brexiteers we must be aware if no agreement is reached between them, we must not become embroiled in tit for tat squabbling and instead focus all our energy on electing pro-Brexit MPs and denying Remainers the chance to overturn the EU Referendum result, placing Jeremy Corbyn in Number 10 Downing Street and cancelling all forms of Brexit.
Thankfully, October 31st did bring about an exit of some sort. We finally saw the end of John Bercow’s tenure as Speaker of the House of Commons. His replacement will be elected on Monday as the last act of this Parliament. The favourites to replace Bercow include Labour MP Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Conservative MP Eleanor Laing and long-serving Labour MP Harriet Harman. Harman would be the hardcore Remainer’s choice, but Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP is very much the choice of many Brexiteers and the Conservative Whips because he has vowed to put a stop to the meddling which we all had to endure under activist Speaker Bercow.
Breaking news this afternoon, The SNP Leader, Nicola Sturgeon has announced she intends – before Christmas! to deliver a demand to the new Prime Minister – from whichever party wins the election – for another Scottish Independence Referendum. How the SNP can support both independence from the United Kingdom and membership of the European Union is perplexing. By its very nature the EU will take away the ability of an independent Scotland to make its own decisions about taxation, regulations and many other things the SNP claim Westminster has currently taken from them! Despite SNP claims, recent polling suggests there has not been ANY substantial movement from the Scottish people towards wanting independence. Perhaps Nicola Sturgeon should focus on her day job rather than constantly demanding something the Scottish people explicitly ruled out in 2014.
Finally, we would like to say thank you again. Our joint letter to the Prime Minister, along with all your e-mails have been received by 10 Downing Street. More than 1,600 of you agreed to countersign the letter, which spells out the key areas Boris Johnson must focus on in any future negotiations if the Conservatives are re-elected. We included our analysis of the problems with both the Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration. As you can see in the picture below the package and its contents should make quite an impression. Hopefully, if the Government gains a majority at the General Election, they will be in a better position to go back to the EU negotiating table and make further demands for our exit from the EU – either that or ‘No Deal’, trading on World Trade Organisation terms!

Boris Johnson’s ‘New’ Withdrawal Agreement does not differ enough from the odious deal struck by Theresa May. We will still be tied into future EU Defence projects; we would still be paying into EU institutions; we would lose the ability to set our own rules and regulations and our valuable fishing industry is still not protected as promised. It does not deliver the Brexit we voted for - and we have now made this VERY clear to the Prime Minister with your support.
With the General Election now set for December 12th, there will be candidates and volunteers knocking on doors all around the country. Please make sure you question any candidate on what kind of Brexit they stand for and why they deserve your vote.
Show your support for a true Brexit by printing off and displaying our poster in your doors or windows, which you can find here!
You can read our newly Revised Summaries of Boris Johnson’s ‘Deal’ and the Political declaration below, alongside our analysis of 8 key problems with the New Withdrawal Agreement. Make sure nobody can pull the wool over your eyes!!
These can also be printed out and given to those who want to know more about the problems with the Deal, and they have the correct Imprint for circulation during the General Election.
- On another note, the People's Vote campaign staff have been 'threatened with sack' after the campaign imploded in spectacular fashion – BBC News
- The fantasist Remain-focussed Liberal Democrat Leader Jo Swinson was destroyed by Andrew Neil last night as she claimed she could be the next Prime Minister – Get Britain Out
- Ex Tory - now Lib Dem MP - Antoinette Sandbach is the director of a company ‘Hafodunos Farms Ltd’. It has been revealed she is a recipient of HUGE EU payments no wonder she has betrayed her Leave constituents to protect her own pocket! Guido Fawkes
- Dominic Grieve and rebel Tories write to EU demanding eight-month Brexit delay – The Daily Express
- So far 59 MPs have announced they will not stand at the next election, many of them Remainers running from any form of accountability to the Public. – Guido Fawkes
Best wishes from Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team.
P.S. IMPORTANT: We know you are already committed to Brexit, but please continue to circulate this e-Bulletin to even more people, many of whom also want to be more informed. Since the EU Referendum, many Remainers have changed their minds, and need as much information as possible.
Also, they can click this link to Sign Up to our fortnightly e-Bulletins – and it is FREE!
P.P.S We have updated our postcard calling for a Clean Brexit which you can send to the Prime Minister. All you need to do is print it off, affix a stamp and put it in the post. The postcard can be downloaded here.
ALSO IMPORTANT: Please don’t forget, we really need your help with DONATIONS towards securing the Best Brexit for Great Britain – every £ counts!
Donations can be made via bank transfer, cheque, standing order or Paypal – all the details are here.
Cheques should be payable to The EU Referendum Campaign Limited and not Get Britain Out. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations (unless via PayPal) or foreign currency cheques. With such a small team, we are cannot personally thank all of those who donate to the campaign, but your contributions are very much appreciated. If you would like an acknowledgment, please provide your e-mail address.