Dear John,
From everyone at Farm Sanctuary, thank you for participating in our Giving Tuesday match challenge. Because of your unwavering dedication to farm animals, we met our match goal just in time for our deadline.
We know this has been a year of challenges and unexpected changes for many of us, and I am so grateful that, through it all, you have kept farm animals in your heart.
In addition to helping us provide individualized care for more than 800 farm animals at our Sanctuaries, you are helping us expand our education and advocacy work to build a more compassionate world.
With your help, we will continue making huge strides in Congress, courtrooms, and state legislatures towards an end to animal agriculture and the terrible harm it causes to animals, people, and the planet.
So thank you, John, for your dedication to making the world a better place—and for being the reliable friend farm animals need in their corner.
Yours for farm animals,
P.P.S. There are many ways to help farm animals throughout the giving season! As you prepare for the holidays, consider trying a vegan meal for a day, baking a holiday treat using plant-based milks or egg substitutes like applesauce, or encouraging a friend to follow Farm Sanctuary’s work.