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Thursday, December 2nd, 2021


The Rhodes Scholars Are Back, and They’re Still Proof Of America’s Laughingstock Elite

Revolver News

Germany Falls Completely to Davos

Thomas Luongo

What Happens When the Government Breaks Its Own Laws?

Andrew P. Napolitano

Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative

Pass the Butter … And, Umm, How About That Democide? Margaret Anna Alice

No $4,500 Electric Car For You!

Eric Peters

The Omicron Deception; How Long Can They String Out the Mutation-Stories?

Jon Rappoport

Fully Vaccinated Patients Show Mild Symptoms after Omicron Infection in Botswana — Non-Vaccinated Show No Symptoms at All

Jim Hoft

Dropping the Ball

Taki Theodoracopulos

Greece To Fine Elderly $114 For Every Month They Remain Unvaccinated

Tyler Durden

Kyle Rittenhouse’s Reputation

George Parry

Pathologized Totalitarianism 101

CJ Hopkins

The Classical Liberal Theory of Empire

Ralph Raico

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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