This weekend is our final chance:

Hi John, I have some good news to share with you — and some bad news.

The good news: An outpouring of support from folks like you this week has brought us within reach of our $10,000 goal for the CT Dems GOTV Fund.

The bad news: With just hours to go until the final GOTV weekend before Election Day, we’re still $2,027 short.

If we don’t reach this goal, we’ll have to cut back on our original field plan for this weekend. That means fewer doors knocked, fewer voters reached, and potentially lower turnout on Tuesday — which is exactly what Connecticut Republicans are hoping for.

Please chip in what you can to our GOTV Fund before midnight tonight to ensure that we have as strong of a get-out-the-vote weekend as possible→

Donate $15 Now

Donate $25 Now

Donate $50 Now

Donate $100 Now

Donate Another Amount

Thank you for standing with Connecticut Democrats, John.

— CT Democratic Party Chair Nancy Wyman
