Today, the Supreme Court heard arguments on the Mississippi law which bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. This case is right-wing activists' most egregious attempt yet to gut Roe v. Wade. And we cannot let them get away with it.

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For nearly five decades, Republican politicians have attacked a woman's right to choose, carefully at first, and more aggressively in recent years. Then Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell installed not one, but three anti-abortion Justices to the Supreme Court.

Now these right-wing activists believe their day has come. And frankly, I am not encouraged by the discourse in the court today. They seem poised to overturn Roe v. Wade.

We cannot stop fighting for reproductive freedom. The House has acted, passing a federal law guaranteeing access to abortion in all 50 states. And the Senate must follow suit.

But here is what we know: Whatever we do, if we do not retain the House and Senate in the 2022 elections, Republican extremists will turn the clock back. Donate now—we have to fight back with everything we can.

Women's rights are human rights. And I am here to fight.

Rick Larsen




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