10 Key Values of the Green Party
Grassroots Democracy - Social Justice - Ecological Wisdom - Community-Based Economics - Feminism and Gender Equality -Non-Violence - Decentralization - Diversity - Personal and Global Responsibility - Future Focus and Sustainability
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Earth sustains all life. Green ecology goes deep to understand life?s common roots. What we do in the web of life affects all. The Green Party?s 10 key values guide us to make a positive impact.
Webinar Wednesday
Healing a Broken Agricultural System
Organizer Meeting
Every Saturday at 10am CST.
DuPage Greens Healthcare for All Protest
Cook County Green Party Meeting
December 6th, 7pm
Meeting ID: 827 9135 9861
Passcode: 67334
If you are interested in being elected as a Green Township or Ward Committeeperson in the MWRD District, email [email protected] or call 773-809-4547.
Illinois Green Party
Holiday Party with our Guest Howie Hawkins
Friday, Dec. 10 at 7pm
On Mondays tune in the Illinois Green Party Series as they interview candidates, ILGP coalition members, and other ILGP members.
Illinois Green Party Series livestreams on YouTube and Facebook every Monday at 7pm CST.
To participate in reforming Will County Green Party email [email protected]
Illinois Greens have a statewide strategy for Healthcare for All and Climate Action by 2030!
Considering a Run for Office?
2022 is one of the best times to run outside the Duopoly in Illinois!
Campaign Quick-start Guide to Recognition
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
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