Today, Elizabeth Warren filled in the math for the Medicare For All plan Bernie Sanders, she, and others have rallied around -- saying exactly how she would pay for it. And guess what? It does NOT require middle class taxes to go up. But costs for families go down by over $11 trillion, more than the biggest tax cut in history!

After a recent presidential debate, MSNBC's Chris Matthews badgered Elizabeth Warren 7 times to say that Medicare For All meant taxes would go up. She persisted...and said costs for families would go down.

The pundits were wrong. Republicans were wrong. Big Insurance was wrong. And more conservative Democrats like Pete Buttigieg were wrong to go negative and scare people.

SIGN ON here to show that you support Medicare For All.

Warren is now the first and only candidate with a plan to pay for health care.

CNN reports: "Warren's plan would not cut from the comprehensive benefits offered in Sanders' legislation, which she co-sponsored in 2017 and again earlier this year" but "she did allow for one potential future tweak, saying in a Medium post that her team now intends to draw up its own transition plan" to make it clearer for unions, families, and the public.

Warren now has "a far more comprehensive and detailed financing proposal" for Medicare For All than any other candidate. It includes:

And the core elements of Medicare For All are still included:

Warren's plan would completely transform the middle class. Over $11 trillion paid by everyday families if we do nothing will instead be paid by the super wealthy and corporations. The money put back in people's pockets will be bigger than the biggest tax cut in American history.

SIGN ON here to show that you support Medicare For All.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Election Team

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez told PCCC members, "The majority of Americans are with us on the policies. Americans support Medicare for All, expanding Social Security benefits, gun reform, debt-free college, and a $15 minimum wage. Bold progressive values are popular EVERYWHERE. Together, we have the people. Together, with your help, we’ll have the votes." Chip in $3 here.

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