Dear John,
Africa holds a special place in our hearts. We’ve seen the suffering and the joy and rejoicing in Christ. It is warm and accepting, yet the people face so many challenges. African Enterprise has seen the outcomes of your support in transforming the lives of people who otherwise live below the poverty line. We have touched the lives of leaders to encourage reconciliation and change.
There is still so much to do amongst our teams of evangelists, to unify the churches on mission. To create awareness of what the needs are, and be strengthened by thousands of volunteers joining us to make a difference in hundreds of languages in multiple countries in Africa. Your support funds evangelism and development, changing hearts and lives for the better, giving hope and a future amongst the many vulnerable people in the cities and slums of Africa.
We are relevant and a force for change in Africa. See the testimony of Ugandan Archbishop Maaka who joined us on mission, together with a word from Michael Cassidy of what led him to found this evangelistic organisation. Your prayers are valued for all our teams in reaching out safely to all sections of society, with a focus below on Tanzania. I always rejoice in hearing the growth of the South African sewing project, and celebrate seeing our flag held high in appreciation of Australian, New Zealand and Hong Kong supporters.
Thank you for your prayers and support, if I can provide a further update for your church please let me know. We’d love more mission partners as we have so much more outreach in new cities of Africa, with the next countries we are focussing on being Togo and South Sudan.
Every blessing,
Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia