Some happenings with RG!

Our Fall Redistribution Pledge x Membership Drive is flying by—we are so close to reaching our goal of moving $100 million to social justice movements in 2021! So far, 742 people have signed the Redistribution Pledge for a total of $86.8M this year. Will you sign the pledge and help us reach our goal? 

It is also a great time to join or renew your RG membership! Being a member helps grow our collective power. It ensures that our organizing contines to be funded by members who understand that young people with wealth have a critical role to play in the struggle for the equitable distribution of land, wealth, and power. Join or renew today. 





The growing RG Colorado chapter has added a new leader, Molly, who has jumped into her role by hosting a local article discussion event on white supremacy culture characteristics. There was lots of interesting discussion on binary thinking and nuances of communication, as well as time for base-building and forming strong connections. The team also held a MMMC Debriefing event where members spoke on what they had learned at MMMC, and highlighted the different organizations involved, as well as the opportunities and challenges that come with continuing to learn and push ourselves in our redistribution efforts.


The Connecticut chapter is launching our first ever Praxis group! CT is a state known for its pizza, craft beers...and income inequality. The state ranks third in the nation for unequal wealth distribution, with Fairfield County as the most unequal metropolitan area in the nation. We'll be incorporating some local context so if you or someone you know has ties to Connecticut (Yale alums, Wesleyan alums, family in the state etc.) consider joining us to learn more about our weird little state and the issues and opportunities here!
Apply at by 12/15. Groups will run from January to April.


The RG Triangle North Carolina chapter toured Historic Stagville, a state historic site that includes the remnants of the one of the largest plantations in North Carolina, in order to learn and feel the history of slavery, land ownership, and agriculture that has shaped where we live. 



Membership As Collective Power
Wednesday, December 1st at 7 pm EST / 4 pm PST

Register here

At RG, we understand that being a membership-based organization is a political strategy that places us in a powerful legacy of movement organizations and aligns us with our partners. Join us for the closing event of our 2021 Fall Redistribution Pledge and Membership Drive to dig into membership culture. We will spend time hearing from leaders in other movement membership organizations like Make The Road NY, Working Families Party, and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) will be joining us! We're talking about RG's membership culture and our visions for how we together strengthen our ability as a membership org to build collective power, a sense of accountability and belonging, and throw down collectively for the world we want and need!


  • Angeles Solis, Lead Organizer-Workplace Justice Team, Make The Road New York
  • Jemma Pasch, Senior National Organizer, Jewish Voice for Peace
  • Jennifer Knox, National Director of Organizing and Tech Innovation, Working Families Party

Whether you are thinking about becoming a dues paying member of RG for the first time or have been involved as a chapter leader for years (or anything in between), you are welcome at this event!



Unmasking Fidelity Campaign: Take Action Virtually and In-Person on the DISCLOSE Demand

Organizers from the Unmasking Fidelity campaign (anchored by RG and five other organizations) in Boston, MA and Raleigh, NC delivered this letter to Fidelity headquarters, with 40+ organizations signed on, demanding that Fidelity #DISCLOSE their role in enabling white supremacist violence. The campaign has yet to hear back from Fidelity. 

Join us by: 

  1. Adding your name to the #DISCLOSE letter 
  2. Contacting your representatives to express support for the campaign for RGers with direct connections with Fidelity,  

Learn more, post on social media and take action at and


RG 101 Orientation
Tuesday, Dec 15th at 7-8:30 pm ET / 4-5:30 pm PT
Register here


Did you recently hear about RG through a friend, a media story, or another social justice organization? Do you know people in your network who have class privilege and/or access to wealth? Join us and invite other perspective RGers to our monthly RG 101 orientation! 

You will learn about RG's vision and organizing model, share why you're excited about being part of the community and start building relationships with RG members and staff. The RG 101 orientation is open for all, both for people in chapter areas and those that are not. This space is geared towards young people (18-35) with access to wealth and/or class privilege, but anyone is welcome to attend. We look forward to connecting with you! RSVP at



Solidaire is offering a new learning series, Black Liberation Is for Everybody, co-hosted by Malkia Devich-Cyril and Malachi Garza. This four-part series is a component of Solidaire's commitment to support Black-led movements and to deepen our members' engagement in the struggle for Black liberation. This event is open to prospective members, new recruits, and our allies in the philanthropic community (including RG!). Participants are encouraged to attend all four sessions in the series so make sure to hold these dates below

Black Liberation Is for Everybody series:

  • On the Strategic Importance of Black Liberation, Monday, November 15th, 3-5 pm PT / 6-8 pm ET 
  • Understanding the Ecosystem of Black Liberation Movements, Monday, December 6th, 3-5 pm PT / 6 -8 pm ET 
  • Black Liberation Is a Global Struggle, Monday, January 17th, 3-5 pm PT / 6-8 pm ET 
  • Lessons from Funding Black Liberation Movements & the Movement 4 Black Lives Mandate, Monday, February 7th, 3-5 pm PT / 6-8pm ET

Make sure you register here to get updates on each event including guest speakers and materials to review before the session.



We encourage you to consider joining RG as a dues paying member, and if you would like to get involved in your local chapter, please fill out this intake form!

