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The Unz Review Digest - November 1, 2019

Ranking first this last week was Israel Shamir’s exclusive interview with a prominent Ukrainian politician, who provided his own perspective on the controversies that currently envelope the political futures of both Donald Trump and Joseph Biden, helping to explain the major source of the financial corruption that regularly envelopes the government of that unfortunate country, including facts and suspicions not reported in our regular media.

Our second most popular featured article was Fred Reed’s account of his own experience serving in the American Marines during the Vietnam War, and why Americans should be doubtful about our endless current military engagements, now approaching the end of their second decade in the Middle East.

In third place but coming up very fast was Guillaume Durocher’s sharp critique of the accelerating feminization of so many aspects of Western society, with consequent decline in support for vigorous  public debate of controversial topics and an increasingly strong turn to media censorship and “soft totalitarianism.”  This thesis quickly attracted over 250 contentious comments, totaling more than 30,000 words.

Ranking fourth was Paul Kersey’s discussion of the recent college mass shooting at a huge black Halloween party at Texas A & M, with video recordings of the more than a dozen injuries and fatalities, which quickly vanished from the headlines once it became clear that the gunman was non-white.

Fifth place was held by Dr. James Thompson’s disquisition on the controversies surrounding the genetics of race, which provoked an outpouring of very detailed technical discussions by numerous individuals who follow the topic, already attracting more than 350 comments, totaling over 65,000 words.

Finally, rounding out our most popular featured articles was Steve Penfield’s lengthy discussion of the forgotten media purge of the Great Depression, in which many of those media figures and outlets critical of FDR’s policies were successfully bludgeoned into subservience or removed from the public arena if they balked.

A talk with Oleg Tsarev reveals the alleged identity of the "Trump/Ukraine Whistleblower"
Top Dems are involved in the plundering of the Ukraine: new names, mind-boggling accounts. The mysterious ‘whistleblower’ whose report had unleashed the impeachment is named in the exclusive interview given to the Unz Review by a prominent Ukrainian politician, an ex-Member of Parliament of four terms, a candidate for Ukraine’s presidency, Oleg Tsarev. Mr Tsarev,... Read More
Why You Should Stay the Hell Away From the American Military
Some advice: Don't get shot in the face. I don't care what your friends tell you, it isn't a good idea. Further, avoid corneal transplants if you can. If you find a coupon for one, in a box of Cracker Jacks maybe, toss it. Transplants are miserable things. Unless you really need one. What am... Read More
The speed of social change in the modern era, and in particular in the contemporary West, is so rapid that we all are liable to feel a bit lost. A recent example of this was provided by none other than Hillary Clinton, that most “progressive” representative of global oligarchy. You see, the 71-year-old Clinton, whose... Read More
File this under "how can we blame this on an NRA member?" section. More importantly, it's another black mass shooting the corporate media will ignore. So what goes on at a "
Response to Birney, Raff, Rutherford, & Scally
One of the more enduring myths accepted as reality in our modern society is that America has a relatively free press. The ruling authorities and their entrenched accomplices promote that lie as diligently as they work to ensure that it never again becomes true. America did have a mostly free and independent press until the... Read More
A recent memorandum authored by Attorney General William Barr announced a new “pre-crime” program inspired by “War on Terror” tactics and is set to be implemented next year. Last Wednesday, U.S. Attorney General William Barr
In Saigon, I can easily go a week without seeing any white person, but today, I ran across two white Mormons on bicycles, with one having this paper sign on his backpack, “TIẾNG ANH MIỄN PHÍ” [“FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE”]. I also passed a young white man pulling a suitcase down the street, his face showing... Read More
Trump cancels the pullout from Syria then flip-flops, threatens war with Turkey and gives money to terrorists
The long nightmare in Syria might finally be coming to an end, but not thanks to the United States and the administration of President Donald Trump.
There is something profoundly deceitful in the way the Democratic Party and the corporate media are framing Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria. One does not need to defend Trump’s actions or ignore the dangers posed to the Kurds, at least in the short term, by the departure of US forces from... Read More
In an era in which every work of art is scrutinized by establishment critics according to prevailing political sensitivity, it is not surprising that the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature is now mired in controversy. Perhaps calling it a controversy might be a bit of a stretch considering how little impact literature –or most art,... Read More
Tires are burning, smoke is rising towards the sky. It is October, the 18th day of the month, the capital city of Lebanon, in the past known as the “Paris of the East”, is covered in smoke. For years I was warning that the country governed by corrupt, indifferent elites, could not hold together, indefinitely.... Read More
The Church of England, whose supreme governor is the Queen, and is represented in the House of Lords, nevertheless has supported the
In his recent article "
After decades of piously reciting neoliberal orthodoxy, extolling a ‘post-political’ borderless world, the European Union seems finally to be turning away from free trade. Numerous factors are working in this direction: a decades-late reaction to China’s mercantilist trade policies which have gutted European industry, the threat of trade wars with America under President Donald Trump,... Read More
Last month, on the 80th anniversary of the start of World War II, the European Parliament voted on a
[See Also
Outrage of the week was surely the sentences handed down by Dwyer gave them four years each for defending themselves against antifa thugs who'd been waiting in the street for them after a Gavin McInnes event in October last year. Here's the laugh-out-loud paragraph, quote: "If they could have located them"? They were right there... Read More
There was what might be described as an extraordinary amount of nonsense being promoted by last week’s media. Unfortunately, some of it was quite dangerous. Admiral William McRaven, who commanded the Navy Seals when Osama bin Laden was captured and killed and who has been riding that horse ever since, announced that if Donald Trump... Read More

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