Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is twisting arms left and right in an attempt to ram through the
bloated and liberty-destroying National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2022. Time is
running out to get the NDAA passed by the end of the year, which greatly increases the danger of having a really bad version sent to President
Biden’s desk. Quick action is what is required to stop the worst provisions of
this bill. At a time when the federal deficit is spiraling out of control with more than $6
Trillion in new spending since the Coronacrisis began, the NDAA makes no attempt to cut our bloated military budget. Instead, it authorizes spending over $768 billion, with far too much of that going toward unnecessary and
unconstitutional military involvement around the world. But it gets worse. A requirement for young women to register for the military draft is still in the bill.
This would be unprecedented in the history of this country and signals a military draft may actually be a
reality in the near future. Dr. Paul and I have no problem with women being in the military.
But we do have a problem with men and women forced to register for a draft that isn’t needed and become enslaved to the government even more.
Your U.S. Senators need to hear from you AT ONCE before the NDAA with women being required to
register for the draft gets to Joe Biden’s desk. Call the U.S. Senate switchboard immediately before voting starts as soon as TODAY. (202) 224-3121
On top of that, a very dangerous scenario is on the table if the NDAA passes in its current form, and President
Biden’s vaccine mandates for the armed services are not overturned. . . Tens of
thousands of military personnel may be forced out for refusing the shots, which could lead to the first military draft in over 50 years.
Could they be setting up women to be drafted into a brand-new undeclared war with China or Russia .
. . or some smaller “skirmish” in a remote part of the world that will turn into another decades-long commitment with no winner?
I believe we would be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the possibility.
They should be moving to END registration for the draft, not expanding it!
The vaccination mandates are already stretching our armed forces thin as tens of thousands are
refusing the jab and there’s no word on how it’s affecting recruiting . . . but I’d be willing to bet it’s not
good. With all that being said, it would not be shocking at all to see the military draft come
back and if NDAA 2022 passes as is, that would mean young women would be up for compulsory service too.
Call the U.S. Senate switchboard immediately before voting starts as soon as TODAY. (202)
224-3121 Our staff has been hard at work to get the word out to liberty-loving
patriots like yourself about the abuses of the NDAA for nearly a decade now, and this year is no different.
Once you call your senators, please
consider a generous donation today to keep our engine of liberty running strong in 2022.
Women being required to register for the draft is certainly not the
end of the problems with year’s NDAA. Just like in years past, this year’s NDAA is
a disaster for liberty as well. And it fails to do anything to stop the indefinite detention
of American citizens without any semblance of due process. But there’s more.
It contains a dangerous “red flag” gun confiscation scheme for military
veterans. Treating veterans as if they’re the threat to our country and
using that unfound paranoia as a reason to confiscate their firearms is one of the worst kinds of treatment for our government to impose on them.
We also must face the continued reality that Congress wants to give out even more money for
forays around the world that have nothing to do with the defense of our country. In point of
fact, these forays make us more vulnerable and less safe. I find it absolutely incredible
the current NDAA being considered has a $25 Billion increase over what Biden asked for . . . and Biden asked for $20 Billion more than last
year’s budget. This is on the heels of the U.S. pulling out of Afghanistan, which should mean billions in savings for the American
taxpayer. But Biden and Congress just want more, more, more!
And with the holiday season already here, the rush will be on to ram this bill through at any cost necessary.
IT’S UP TO YOU AND me to put the Senate on notice that we’ve had enough
of the runaway spending and every other bad provision the NDAA is exploited to pass. Do not
forget what’s at stake now in this year’s version – forcing women to be included in the draft, which is yet another step toward
total control of the government over the people! Call the U.S. Senate switchboard immediately before voting starts as soon as TODAY. (202) 224-3121
Tell them you’re not going to stand for a military funding bill being used to enslave more people with
women being required to enter the draft, putting in a Red Flag gun confiscation scheme against military veterans, and spending more and more as our
nation debt approaches $30 Trillion. Tell them to stop it now!
The political class will do everything in their power to completely demonize ANY opposition to
what’s in the NDAA as being anti-military or “against the troops.”
And would anyone be shocked if Joe Biden plunged us into a war in order to regain the support he and the Democrats need to survive all of their
missteps in 2021? You can also bet there will be plenty of neocons on the
right lining up to help him, this time potentially forcing young women off to war.
Call the U.S. Senate switchboard at once to DEMAND they put a stop to the abuses of our country that are being tucked in the NDAA. Call both
of your senators now at (202) 224-3121 and tell them to clean up the NDAA!
For Liberty, John McCardell
Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. The political class
will stop at nothing to use, abuse, and exploit the military in order to ram through a lot of unconstitutional, unpopular, and unethical measures
while using scare tactics, like cutting the pay of troops or even cutting them off entirely!
If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here.
The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government,
sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.