In the midst of so much political chatter, opinion pieces, and social downloads, we wanted a space to be able to clearly discuss these events and what it means for our progressive movement.

Ground Game Texas


Today is a BIG day at Ground Game Texas.

Today we delivered more than 34,000 signatures to Austin City Hall to put a measure on the city ballot to decriminalize marijuana and ban no-knock police warrants.

This is a BIG deal. Thanks to supporters like you, Austin voters will soon be able to cast a ballot to end the over-policing of low-level marijuana possession and ban the practice of no-knock police warrants that have taken the lives of far too many innocent Americans.

But this fight is just getting started. We need your help to reach every Austin voter to come out and support this ballot measure. Can you pitch in $5, $10, $25 or anything you can afford to help us pass marijuana decriminalization and police accountability in Austin?

Donate Now

From the very beginning, Ground Game Texas has said we will harness the power of grassroots organizing to affect change. Today we’re delivering on that promise in Austin — and we’re just getting started.

We’re organizing community-by-community to put popular policies on the ballot — from ensuring workers get paid a livable wage, to pushing our elected officials to combat climate change, to ending the over-policing and over-incarcerating of our communities.

With your help, we can inspire voters to get involved in the political process, boost turnout in major elections, and deliver on progressive change that Texans desperately need. But we can’t do it without your support.

If you want to see more successful campaigns like this one, consider pitching in to support the work of our organizers.

Donate Now

Thank you again for your support in Ground Game Texas — and for your dedication to a better future for our state. We’re glad to have you on this team.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas Team