Friend -

We did it! 

We came together from communities all over the Commonwealth to make our voices heard. When we come together and make deep investments with our donations, we can make a real impact for gun violence survivors and our surrounding communities.

These donations mean continued grassroots organizing directly where need is highest. Most of all, we are a powerful, collective voice in legislative negotiations to stop bad bills in their tracks. 

We’re going to fight for universal background checks, required reports for lost and stolen guns, and extreme risk protection orders for families facing violence. We’re going to keep guns out of schools and work tirelessly to bring down the gun suicide rate that makes up more than 60% of gun deaths here in Pennsylvania.

Thank you for standing with us and most of all, thank you for standing with gun violence survivors who need us now more than ever.


The CeaseFirePA Team


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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