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This November issue of the newsletter includes links to Irish and international publications related
to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
To view our entire collection of research and access our resources visit our website [
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], Ireland's comprehensive substance use research library. And follow us on Twitter @HRBdrugslibrary
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Irish-related publications
The landscape of substance misuse and its impact on the communities of Tallaght’s Drugs and Alcohol
Task Force.
Fitzpatrick, Finbarr (2021) Dublin: Tallaght Drug & Alcohol Task Force.
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It’s like we’re the forgotten ... An exploration of the issues affecting older people in Ballyfermot
who are experiencing problematic drug and alcohol use.
Deane, Audry (2021) Dublin: Ballyfermot Local Drugs and Alcohol Taskforce.
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Mid term review of the national drug strategy, Reducing Harm, Supporting Recovery and strategic
priorities 2021-2025.
Drugs Policy and Social Inclusion Unit (2021) Dublin: Department of Health.
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Impact of changes in controlled drugs legislation on benzodiazepine receptor agonist prescribing in
Ireland: a repeated cross-sectional study.
Cadogan, Cathal A et al (2021) European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 77, (6), pp. 903-912.
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Informing & supporting change: drug and alcohol misuse among people on probation supervision in
Rooney, Louise (2021) Dublin: Probation Service.
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A practitioner’s response to ‘tackling substance misuse from a problem-solving justice approach’.
McNamara, Clare (2021) Irish Probation Journal, 18, pp. 129-136.
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‘We cannot do this alone’ – a co-designed, multi-departmental strategy to increase the employment
prospects of people with criminal records.
Cafferty, Siobhan (2021) Irish Probation Journal, 18, pp. 91-108.
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Substance misuse and supervision: an examination of drug and alcohol misuse among probation service
Rooney, Louise (2021) Irish Probation Journal, 18, 137 -158
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Efficacy and safety of electronic cigarettes as a smoking cessation intervention: a systematic
review and network meta-analysis.
Quigley, Joan M et al (2021) Tobacco Prevention & Cessation, Early online.
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Friends and family matter most: a trend analysis of increasing e-cigarette use among Irish teenagers
and socio-demographic, personal, peer and familial associations.
Hanafin, Joan et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), 1988.
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Video: The community response to the drugs crisis.
(2021) Citywide Drugs Crisis Campaign
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Health in Ireland - Key trends 2021.
(2021) Dublin: Department of Health.
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Liver injury, hypoalbuminaemia and severe SARS-CoV-2 infection
Foley, Clare Elizabeth et al (2021) Gut, Early online. /10.1136/gutjnl-2021-324570
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Driver attitudes & behaviour survey 2020.
O'Mahony, John (2021) Dublin: Road Safety Authority.
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A 6-month randomized trial of a smartphone application, UControlDrink, in aiding recovery in alcohol
use disorder.
A 6-month randomized trial of a smartphone application, UControlDrink, in aiding recovery in alcohol
use disorder.
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Propofol misuse in Ireland - Two case reports and a review of the literature.
Gwiazda, Sara et al (2021) Forensic Science International, 326. p. 110909.
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Online alcohol sales and home delivery: An international policy review and systematic literature
Colbert, Stephanie et al (2021) Health Policy, 125, (9), pp. 1222-1237.
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Baclofen in the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome in opioid-dependent patients.
Gibbons, Zorina et al (2021) Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Early online
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Ireland's inadequate alcohol warning labelling legislation.
Houghton, Frank and O'Mahony, Cáitlín (2021) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.
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Antidepressant medication prescribing patterns in Irish general practice from 2016 to 2020 to assess
for long-term use.
McCool, Aoibhin et al (2021) Irish Journal of Medical Science, Early online.
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A high prevalence of genetic polymorphisms in idiopathic and alcohol-associated chronic pancreatitis
patients in Ireland.
Ní Chonchubhair, Hazel M et al (2021) HPB, 23, (2), pp. 231-237.
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Easter eggs & ‘Easter eggs’: alcohol branded chocolate eggs & intoxigenic environments in Ireland.
Houghton, Frank (2021) South Eastern Journal of Public Health, XVI.
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Video: Pushing boundaries & crossing borders. Presentation on the campaign for a supervised
injecting facility in Dublin, Ireland.
McCann, Eugene and Duffin, Tony (2021) In: The 5th European Harm Reduction Conference, 11 November
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Audio: Breaking the cycle of drug use.
Ruane, Lynn and D'Arcy, Ray (2021) Dublin: RTE radio.
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HSE update on drug market trends.
(2021) Dublin: HSE drugs.ie.
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Report of the Joint Committee on the Pre-Legislative Scrutiny of the General Scheme of the Online
Safety and Media Regulation Bill.
(2021) Dublin: Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media
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Access to mental health services for people in the criminal justice system.
Finnerty, Siobhan and Gilheaney, Patricia (2021) Dublin: Mental Health Commission.
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Probation re-offending statistics 2017.
(2021) Cork: Central Statistics Office.
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Keyworker mediated enhancement of physical health in patients with first episode psychosis: a
feasibility/acceptability study.
Broughan, John et al (2021) Early Intervention in Psychiatry, Early online. doi: 10.1111/eip.13234
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The Alternative Pre-hospital Pathway team: reducing conveyances to the emergency department through
patient centered Community Emergency Medicine.
Patton, Andrew et al (2021) BMC Emergency Medicine, 21, (1), p. 138.
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Tackling intimate relationship abuse among 18-25s: considerations for a peer supported approach.
(2021) Dublin: Women's Aid.
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Ripe for Reform: An Analytical Review of Three Years of Court Reporting on Child Care Proceedings
Corbett, Maria and Coulter, Carol (2021) Dublin: Child Care Law Reporting Project.
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Protective factors for LGBTI+ youth wellbeing: a scoping review underpinned by Recognition Theory.
Ceatha, Nerilee et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
(21), p. 11682. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182111682
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Electronic cigarette use in 12 European countries. Results from the TackSHS survey.
Gallus, Silvano et al (2021) Journal of Epidemiology, Early online.
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Community Healthcare West annual report 2020.
HSE Community Healthcare West (2021) Galway: Health Service Executive.
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Ana Liffey Drug Project annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Ana Liffey Drug Project
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HIV Ireland annual report 2020.
(2021) Dublin: HIV Ireland.
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Recorded crime detection 2020.
(2021) Dublin: Central Statistics Office
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SSA annual conference 2021, 4 - 5 November 2021, HRB posters
Kelleher, Cathy. Characteristics of concerned persons accessing addiction treatment services in
their own right: a secondary analysis of existing Irish health data for 2010-2020.
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Condron, Ita. Profile of cases accessing gambling treatment in Ireland using national treatment
surveillance data 2008 to 2019. [link removed] [
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Lyons, Suzi. Poster: Characteristics associated with suicide among people who use drugs in Ireland
2015 to 2017: a repeated cross-sectional study. [link removed] [
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Carew, Anne Marie. Poster: Estimating need for alcohol treatment using national treatment
surveillance data. [
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International publications
EMCDDA (2021) Spotlight series
Performance- and image-enhancing drugs [link removed] [
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Non-medical use of benzodiazepines [link removed] [
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Fentanils and other new opioids [link removed] [
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Comorbid substance use and mental health problems [link removed] [
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Synthetic cannabinoids [link removed] [
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Addressing sexual health issues associated with drug use [link removed] [
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Understanding and using evidence [link removed] [
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Assessing drug consumption rooms and longer term (5 year) impacts on community and clients.
Tran, Vincent et al (2021) Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14. pp. 4639-4647.
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Learning about and destigmatizing substance use disorders: a video-based educational module using
simulated patients.
Fuehrlein, Brian et al (2021) Academic Psychiatry, doi: 10.1007/s40596-021-01559-z.
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Attitudes toward organ donation for persons who have a substance use disorder relative to other
health conditions.
.Grubb, Caitlyn J et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. 698645.
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Impact of early life stress on reward circuit function and regulation.
Hanson, Jamie et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. 744690
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Adverse Childhood Experiences in relation to drug and alcohol use in the 30 days prior to
incarceration in a county jail.
Eaves, Emery R et al (2021) International Journal of Prisoner Health, 17, (2), pp. 142-155
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The Global Drug Policy Index 2021.
Nougier, Marie and Cots Fernández, Adria (2021) London: Harm Reduction Consortium.
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A review of the existing literature and evidence on young people experiencing harms from alcohol and
drugs in Scotland.
(2021) Edinburgh: Scottish Government.
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The WHO Prison Health Framework: a framework for assessment of prison health system performance.
(2021) Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.
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[Video] “I walked through Recovery’s door”: Margaret’s story of fighting drug addiction after
(2021) WHO Regional Office for Europe.
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United Nations system common position on incarceration.
2021) New York: United Nations.
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Webinar video: Options and developments in residential rehabilitation and support.
Scottish Drugs Forum. (2021)
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Making rehab work. Mapping the route to make specialist care for people with complex needs
Pattinson, Mike and Crowley, Kevin (2021) London: Phoenix Futures.
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The impact of disinvestment on alcohol and drug treatment delivery and outcomes: a systematic
Roscoe, Suzie et al (2021) BMC Public Health, 21, (1), 2140.
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Management of high-need, high-cost patients: a “best fit” framework synthesis, realist review, and
systematic review.
Berkman, Nancy et al (2021) Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
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Peers who volunteer: a guide on how to support people with lived experience.
(2021) London: Russell Webster and Revolving Doors Agency.
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Adult substance misuse treatment statistics 2020 to 2021: report.
Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (2021) London: Gov.UK.
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Multisystemic Therapy for social, emotional, and behavioural problems in youth age 10 to 17: an
updated systematic review and meta-analysis.
Littell, Julia H et al (2021) Campbell Systematic Reviews, 17, (4), e1158.
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The children's rights perspective in addiction services.
Fuller, Caroline and Hansen Rodriguez, Gisela (2021) Hamburg: Dianova.
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The impact of relaxation of methadone take-home protocols on treatment outcomes in the COVID-19 era.
Amram, Ofer et al (2021) The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, doi:
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A systematic review of trial-based economic evaluations of internet- and mobile-based interventions
for substance use disorders.
Buntrock, Claudia et al (2021) European Journal of Public Health, 31, (31 Suppl 1), i19-i28.
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United States: Provisional monthly national and state-level drug overdose death counts.
National Center for Health Statistics (2021)
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Integrating HIV services and other health services: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
. Bulstra, Caroline A et al (2021) PLoS Medicine, 18, (11), e1003836.
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Deaths from 'diseases of despair' in Britain: comparing suicide, alcohol-related and drug-related
mortality for birth cohorts in Scotland, England and Wales, and selected cities.
Walsh, David et al (2021) Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 75, (12), pp. 1195-1201
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Assessing open science and citizen science in addictions and substance use research: a scoping
Scheibein, Florian et al (2021) International Journal of Drug Policy, 100. 103505.
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Conceptualizing the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with opioid use disorder: an
application of the social ecological model.
Cowan, Ethan et al (2021) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16, (1), p. 4
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Big data and predictive modelling for the opioid crisis: existing research and future potential.
Bharat, Chrianna et al (2021) The Lancet. Digital health, 3, (6), e397-e407.
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Agonist treatment for opioid dependence syndrome: the impact of current understanding upon
recommendations for policy initiatives.
Dickson, Cheryl et al (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18,
(19), 10155.
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Early innovations in opioid use disorder treatment and harm reduction during the COVID-19 pandemic:
a scoping review.
Krawczyk, Noa et al (2021) Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 16. 68.
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Service needs for corrections-involved parents with a history of problematic opioid use: a community
needs assessment.
Clark, Miriam et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 667389.
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Effectiveness of incentivised adherence and abstinence monitoring in buprenorphine maintenance: a
pragmatic, randomised controlled trial.
Elarabi, Hesham Farouk et al (2021) Addiction, 116, (9), pp. 2398-2408. doi: 10.1111/add.15394
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Deep vein thrombosis in intravenous drug users: an invisible global health burden.
Jain, Nidhi et al (2021) Cureus, 13, (10), e18457.
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Internet sourcing and UK end consumer trend interest in the controlled medicines (opioids, sedatives
and GABA drugs) in pre and post COVID-19 timeframes.
Whitfield, Mark et al (2021) Emerging Trends in Drugs, Addictions, and Health, 1, (100027)
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The use of medical cannabis in pediatric palliative care: a case series.
Divisic, Antuan et al (2021) Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 47. 229.
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Cannabis education resources for parents: an environmental scan and critical content analysis in the
context of legalization.
Jenkins, Emily et al (2021) Drugs: Education Prevention and Policy,
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Medical cannabis and epilepsy in the UK – a qualitative analysis of the carers’ perspective: “We're
asking for quality of life for our children”
Schlag, Ann Katrin et al (2021) Drug Science, Policy and Law,
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Video: Webinar: Cannabis control approaches across Europe.
(2021) EMCDDA.
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The ethics and management of cannabis use in pregnancy following decriminalisation and licensing for
medical use: narrative review.
Towobola, Abdulazeez et al (2021) BJPsych Bulletin,doi: 10.1192/bjb.2021.102
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Children with problem drinking parents in Sweden: prevalence and risk of adverse consequences in a
national cohort born in 2001.
Ramstedt, Mats et al (2021) Drug and Alcohol Review, doi: 10.1111/dar.13406
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What works. Alcohol and other drug interventions in prisons.
Bartle, Jarryd et al (2021) Melbourne: 360Edge.
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Employment trajectories among those treated for alcohol use disorder: a register-based cohort study.
Christiansen, Solveig Glestad and Moan, Inger Synnøve (2021) Addiction,doi: 10.1111/add.15726
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Oral and written communication skills of adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) compared
with those with no/low PAE: a systematic review.
Kippin, Natalie R et al (2021) International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 56, (4),
pp. 694-718.
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Characteristics associated with high-intensity binge drinking in alcohol use disorder.
Gowin, Joshua L et al (2021) Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 750395.
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UNODC Synthetic drug strategy 2021-2025.
(2021) Vienna: United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
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Treatment for stimulant use disorders.
(2021) Rockville, MD: SAMHSA.
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NPS discovery dashboard [United States].
Center for Forensic Science Research & Education (2021)
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WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco use 2000-2025.
(2021) Geneva: World Health Organization.
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What helps and what hinders the creation of a smoke-free home: a qualitative study of fathers in
O'Donnell, Rachel et al (2021) Nicotine & Tobacco Research, (ntab228).
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Subtypes of smokers in a randomized controlled trial of a web-based smoking cessation program and
their role in predicting intervention non-usage attrition: Implications for the development of
tailored interventions.
Wen, Si et al (2021) Internet Interventions, 26.100473.
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Current and past trends in tobacco and e-cigarette use and the impact of control measures: an
analysis of survey data and other evidence.
Benson, Amelia et al (2021) London: NatCen Social Research.
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New inspector to be appointed in drug injection centre case.
[Irish Times] (29 Nov 2021)
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Government moves to reduce alcohol consumption await EU scrutiny.
[Irish Examiner] Murray, Sean (29 Nov 2021)
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Women being forced into sex to pay drug debts as intimidation rises.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (27 Nov 2021)
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Open consultation – Review of alcohol licensing.
[Department of Justice] (25 Nov 2021)
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RSA and An Garda Síochána highlight life-changing impact of drink driving at Christmas and New Year
in road safety appeal.
[Road Safety Authority] (25 Nov 2021)
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Ministers Donnelly and Feighan welcome further commencement of provisions of the Public Health
(Alcohol) Act.
[Department of Health] (24 Nov 2021)
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'Growing concern' at level of intimidation by drugs gangs.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (23 Nov 2021)
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Citizens’ Assembly on drugs should take place next year, campaign group says.
[Irish Times] Beesley, Arthur (18 Nov 2021)
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Drug-related intimidation 'normalised' way of resolving disputes, seminar hears.
[Irish Examiner] Murray, Sean (17 Nov 2021)
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How Ireland's smoking rates compare to rest of Europe.
[Irish Examiner] Hoare, Padraig (16 Nov 2021)
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Forensic lab prioritising large drug seizures over personal use cases.
[thejournal.ie] O'Connor, Niall (16 Nov 2021)
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Drugs seized at Ireland's ports 'could be as low' as 5-10% of total trafficked into the country.
[Irish Examiner] O'Keeffe, Cormac (16 Nov 2021)
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Surge in health issues after alcohol used as a crutch during pandemic.
[Independent.ie] (15 Nov 2021)
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How recreational drug use contributes to environmental damage.
[Irish Times] (15 Nov 2021)
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'Relatively few' incidents of injection spiking, say emergency medicine doctors.
[thejournal.ie] (13 Nov 2021)
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New laws on alcohol advertising during sports and children's events come into force today.
[thejournal.ie] (12 Nov 2021)
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Ministers welcome new measures on alcohol advertising and alcohol sponsorship of events.
[Department of Health] (12 Nov 2021)
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Ministers welcome allocation of Dormant Accounts Funding for Justice Initiatives.
[Department of Justice] (12 Nov 2021)
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Students take a stand against 'drink spiking'
[Irish Examiner] (04 Nov 2021)
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UNAIDS calls for action against the criminalization of people who use drugs and for community-led
harm reduction programmes.
[UNAIDS] (01 Nov 2021)
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Dail Debates
Oireachtas debates
Written answer 132 (Question to Justice) (spiking) [57994/21]. [
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] (25 Nov 2021)
Written answer 154 – Drug dealing [Drug-related intimidation] [58050/21]. [
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] (25 Nov 2021)
Written answer 183 - An Garda Síochána [driving Cavan] [57042/21]. [
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] (25 Nov 2021)
Seanad - Civil Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2021: Motion [Alcohol]. [
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] (25 Nov 2021)
Dail -Questions [Medicinal cannabis]. [
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] (24 Nov 2021)
Written answer 160 - Crime data. [
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] (24 Nov 2021)
Seanad - Order of business [Taskforces and alcohol]. [
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] (23 Nov 2021)
Dail Questions on promised legislation [Citizen's assembley]. [
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] (18 Nov 2021)
Seanad - Address to Seanad Éireann by An Taoiseach. [
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] (18 Nov 2021)
Dáil - Road Traffic and Roads Bill 2021: Second Stage (Resumed). [
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] (17 Nov 2021)
Seanad Eireann debate - Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021: Committee Stage - SECTION 4. [
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] (10 Nov 2021)
Seanad - Order of Business [Tallaght Drugs and Alcohol Task Force]. [
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] (10 Nov 2021)
Dail - Questions on promised legislation. [
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] (09 Nov 2021)
Dail - Topical Issue Debate - drug dealing. [
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] (09 Nov 2021)
Joint Committee on Health debate. General Scheme of the Public Health (Tobacco and Nicotine Inhaling
Products) Bill 2019: Department of Health. [
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] (03 Nov 2021)
Seanad. Criminal Justice (Amendment) Bill 2021: Second Stage. [
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] (03 Nov 2021)
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