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Wednesday, December 1st, 2021


The Make-Believe Pandemic & the Omicron Variant

Bill Sardi

The Most Striking Fact in Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s New Book

Thomas DiLorenzo

The Inca Empire: An Indigenous Leviathan State

Daniella Bassi

Vaccination Causes Covid Variants

Paul Craig Roberts

How Many People Have Been Murdered With the Covid-19 Vaccines?

Dr Vernon Coleman

Let Them Eat Volts!

Eric Peters

What If They Gave a War and No One Knew?

Donald Jeffries

Libertarianism and Trans Rights

Laurence M. Vance

The Covid-19 Omicron Variant: Towards a Fourth-Wave Lockdown? Pretext To Introduce New Repressive Policy Measures

Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Those Ugly Climate Models

Issues & Insights

Woman Sets Covid Quarantine Hotel on Fire

RT News

‘Ideological Fanatacism’: The Folly of Seeing Human Systems as Hardware

Alastair Crooke

LRC Blog

Political Theatre
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