Dear John,
It’s late and I worry.
I worry about all the kids who are lying in bed too hungry to sleep. The pain of hunger is physical and it’s emotional. “When will I get to eat again? When will my sister eat again? I saved a graham cracker from my school meal for her but was that enough?”
Please, before you go to bed tonight, take a moment to stand with us against childhood hunger. Until midnight, any gift you give will be matched, dollar-for-dollar, up to $200,000, thanks to our generous leading partner, Citi.
With the match, every $10 you donate could help provide up to 200 meals for kids in need.*
Please, give now to help us ensure that not even one child has to go to bed hungry or worry that their brother or sister is lying hungry next to them.

Amy Zganjar Team No Kid Hungry
P.S. Thanks to generous people like you, some kids at least know there will be a healthy breakfast waiting for them at school tomorrow morning. But we won’t rest until No Kid Hungry is a reality for every single child.
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1030 15th Street NW, Suite 1100 Washington DC xxxxxx
www.nokidhungry.org | [email protected] | Unsubscribe
Donations made through this page support Share Our Strength's entire mission and will not be designated to a specific campaign or location. Your gift will be used where it is needed most. Meal equivalency varies during COVID-19 relief. No Kid Hungry does not provide individual meals; your donations help support programs that feed kids. Learn more at NoKidHungry.org/OneDollar.