Supporters like you helped us quickly mobilize to advocate for families and individuals throughout Silicon Valley facing life-changing legal issues during the height of the pandemic– but many more of our neighbors are still facing urgent needs. 

It's not too late to make a tax-deductible donation to the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley on Giving Tuesday.
Earlier today we shared Rosa and her family's story. Your investment means more families just like Rosa's will get to stay in their homes, more individuals will get access to the healthcare they need, and more children and youth will get the support they need when dealing with serious issues like neglect or abuse.  

This #GivingTuesday we are asking you to stand with us and thousands of people like Rosa. Make a gift today to support our life-changing services.

Thank you for your continued investment towards building a more equitable and just Silicon Valley. We are grateful to have you on our side!

Here are three ways to make an even bigger impact today:
Forward to a friend and ask them to join you.
Double your gift by getting a match from your employer.
Commit to #Give4Justice for a year or more by becoming a monthly donor.
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley