From Maura Walsh, EWG <>
Subject Are you 1 in 574?
Date December 1, 2021 2:12 AM
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Hi friend,

As Giving Tuesday draws to a close, we’ve already seen a terrific outpouring of support – but we still need to raise $5,746 before midnight to meet our goal. In short, we need you.

Giving Tuesday is one of our biggest fundraising days of the year and critical to our research budget for 2022. If 574 supporters give just $10, we can close the gap.
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I saw that you hadn’t yet given to our Giving Tuesday campaign. Can I count on you to chip in?

Please make a donation. It will only take a minute – and even just $10 will go a long way.
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Any amount you can spare will make a difference. And as a reminder: All gifts are MATCHED. Don’t wait – this special Giving Tuesday matching opportunity will be over in just a few hours.

Thanks for helping EWG continue to protect your health, friend!

Maura Walsh
VP, Digital Strategies, EWG

P.S. If you made a gift recently and I missed it, my apologies! Thank you so much for your generosity.

---------- Original Message ----------
From: Jocelyn Lyle, EWG
Date: Tuesday, Nov 30, 2021
Subject: Quick update

Double Your Impact for Giving Tuesday

Donate Now:
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The clock is racing toward midnight, friend.

I know your inbox is probably flooded with fundraising emails like this, so I’ll be frank: EWG is behind on meeting its fundraising goals for Giving Tuesday. We need your help to get back on track. If we don’t, we might not be able to keep up the resources you count on to protect your health, like Skin Deep®, the Tap Water Database and the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce™.
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We set a goal of raising $75,000 on Giving Tuesday, and as of 10:45 a.m. ET, we still have a long way to go.

EWG Online Fundraising - Giving Tuesday 2021
Updated as of 11/30/2021, 10:45 a.m.

GOAL: $75,000.00
RAISED: $20,864.00
REMAINING: $54,136.00

Can we count on you to make a tax-deductible donation of $10 or more before midnight tonight to help EWG meet its Giving Tuesday goal? We have $54,136 to go and just 12 hours left.
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Plus, if you donate $120 (a $15 discount!) or more, we will send you EWG’s Healthy Living Holiday Gift Box as a thank-you.

By making a donation today, you’ll be standing together with other EWG supporters to:

* Fight for stronger protections against toxic pesticides, like cancer-linked glyphosate and bee-killing neonics, and continue EWG’s groundbreaking pesticide research.
* Tackle the PFAS contamination crisis. Cancer-linked PFAS chemicals may contaminate the drinking water of more than 200 million Americans, yet there is no national drinking water standard for this class of toxic chemicals.
* Expose toxic chemicals in our food, water and consumer products. From arsenic to asbestos, pesticides to phthalates – EWG’s testing program uncovers hazardous levels of underregulated chemicals in our homes, bodies and environment.

I oversee fundraising at EWG, and I can assure you: Today’s goal isn’t just an arbitrary number on a spreadsheet. It’s not a gimmick. The funds we raise today truly determine whether we can do all the work we need to do in the coming year – whether we’ll be able to help you protect your health in 2022.

Click here to rush a tax-deductible donation of $10 or more to EWG today. Plus, today your gift will be MATCHED, doubling your impact when it matters most.
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Plain and simple: Today your gift will go twice as far. That’s why I’m hoping you’ll pitch in with a gift that will be DOUBLED.
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Help us hit our Giving Tuesday goal so EWG can keep standing up for your health – because we all deserve to live healthier lives in a healthier environment.

Warm regards,

Jocelyn Lyle
Senior VP of Partnerships and Development, EWG

P.S. A reminder – if you donate $120 (a $15 discount!) or more, we will send you EWG’s Healthy Living Holiday Gift Box as a thank-you.

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This email was sent to To change your preferred email address, click here. [[link removed]]EWG's mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. EWG is a non-profit and non-partisan organization. The EWG Action Fund, a separate sister organization of EWG, is a legislative advocacy organization that promotes healthy and sustainable policies.

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