Dear John,
With just a few hours before midnight, time is almost up to participate in Giving Tuesday.
By donating to TFN today, your selfless gift will directly fund our efforts to defend democracy.
As you know, the right’s assault on our values has been relentless. From passing legislation to ban abortion outright to trying to censor what our schools can teach about the history of discrimination and racism, from suppressing the right to vote to attacking the lives and health of LGBTQ youth — extremists are trying to hold their grip on power by undermining our democratic institutions.
With your continued support, TFN will remain steadfast in our commitment to make sure these attacks on our values and our democracy don’t go unanswered.
So please, help maintain the resiliency of our movement by making a special gift to the Texas Freedom Network now before Giving Tuesday is over.
I'm so proud to be in this fight with you.
With gratitude,

Val Benavidez
TFN President