Since 1976, City Limits has prioritized transparency and integrity in our journalism. We exist to inform and empower New Yorkers, covering our city’s underreported stories every day.
Ours is the type of investigative, local journalism that cannot wait. Because if we don’t tell these stories, who will?
That’s why we’re excited to share an opportunity to double your donation this year. We have once again been selected to participate in NewsMatch, a national matching-gift campaign that drives donations to nonprofit newsrooms (like us!) around the country.
We can earn up to $20,000 in matching dollars, which means that City Limits can raise $40,000 in total. For a nonprofit like us, this is a huge deal and will help us deliver the kind of impactful, investigative journalism you’ve come to expect, every day.
This news can’t wait. So why would you?
Give today and NewsMatch will double the impact of your donation.
P.S. Please help us spread the word! Do you have friends and colleagues who share your commitment to supporting journalism like ours? Forward this email to them (and thank you in advance!).
WeWork Harlem • 8 W 126th Street, 3rd Floor • New York, NY 10027