A #GivingTuesday 3x Match Offer
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Triple My Donation
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Dear John,
With just hours of #GivingTuesday left, I have hope.
Hope that you will once again help us reach our critical goal
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for farmed animals.
Animals like Bella
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We shared her horrific story last year. Confined to a gestation crate too small to even turn around in, she could do nothing but squeal as her piglets were taken. One by one, their tails and testicles were cut off while they were fully conscious and screaming in pain.
John, we need your help to give hope to animals like Bella—right now
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You have until midnight to triple your impact
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for farmed animals, thanks in part to a match offer from John and Timi Sobrato and Jeff and Leann Sobrato.
With your support, we will continue all our critical work—conducting undercover investigations, organizing protests against cruelty, advocating stronger welfare policies, and more.
Please, don't wait any longer.
Send a gift right now
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to give hope to farmed animals like Bella.
With hope,
Leah Garcés
P.S. I am more hopeful than ever about the future we are creating together, a future where all animals enjoy full lives with their families in peace. Please, support that future with a donation today.
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8033 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 864
Los Angeles, CA 90046
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