Hi Friend,
Today, we’re celebrating #GivingTuesday, and I’m happy to let you know that a small group of your fellow dedicated supporters has issued a challenge to all of us! They will match your donation to Population Connection, up to $10,000—until midnight tonight!
Your contribution of $25.00 now will help meet this goal—and your gift will go twice as far, so long as you make it by midnight!
Friend, you’re helping to make progress toward global population stabilization, but you know that a great deal of work lies ahead.
An estimated 218 million women in the developing world have an unmet need for contraceptives right now. With your help, Population Connection removes barriers preventing access to reproductive health care across the globe. This is absolutely essential to empowering women and girls to choose their own paths by deciding for themselves whether and when to have children.
We must also reach more Americans with the message that human population growth harms our planet.
And, young people deserve to learn about the type of world they will inherit, as well as how they can make it a better place, through our innovative Population Education program. Thanks to you, we’re reaching three million young people a year with lesson plans and activities on global population trends and dynamics.
Imagine a new generation of passionate advocates for our planet and its people—powered by YOU!
Please join us in the spirit of #GivingTuesday by helping to meet our generous donors’ goal of doubling $10,000 in gifts—through MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.
Double your own gift of $25.00 right now!
We can achieve global population stabilization—but only if we work together. Thank you for all that you do.

John Seager
President and CEO