I just checked in with my team, John, and unfortunately, I am not coming to you with the news I wanted to be sharing. Our Giving Tuesday match expires in just a few hours, and we're still coming up short.

With so much on the line, I'm bumping Steve Kerr's message because he's absolutely right: We're relying on every dollar of this Giving Tuesday match goal to fight back against the NRA's millions and make tangible change. We need this, John. We need YOU.

Every dollar we fail to maximize during this match is $2 that we can’t use to help save lives – and $2 the NRA is sure to raise on their deadly rampage. Falling short right now forces us to make difficult decisions about the fight ahead at a critical moment in our movement.

If everyone reading this just gave $5, we’d hit our goal in no time. Your doubled donation today, added to a swell of grassroots donations from across the country, is what is building our movement. It determines our ability to pass life-saving gun safety legislation, hold gun manufacturers accountable in court, and finally end the NRA's reign of terror.

Not everyone reading this will give. But I'm counting on YOU to, John. So please — I wouldn't ask if it weren't mission-critical: Will you rush $5 now — every dollar you can chip in to have DOUBLED — so Brady can hit our Giving Tuesday goal before the midnight deadline, fight the NRA, and take action to end gun violence and save lives?

Steve and I are both gun violence survivors, and I can't tell you how much it means to people like us to have your support. Thank you for everything.

Liz Dunning Gun Violence Survivor & VP of Development, Brady

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Kerr
Date: Tue, Nov 30, 2021
Subject: today is Giving Tuesday