We're so very close to hitting our $100K goal for this Giving Tuesday. Will you chip in to put us over the top?

People For Supporter,
Just like you, I’m passionate about fighting for an America that upholds the fundamental values of equality, justice, liberty, opportunity, and democracy.
That’s why I try to stay active in the big fights to advance those values, and defend our constitutional rights. That’s also why I joined the Board of People For the American Way earlier this year, and why I was honored to be arrested alongside People For’s President, Ben Jealous, a few weeks ago at the White House in support of voting rights for all Americans.
As we celebrate Giving Tuesday, I’m writing to ask you to renew your membership with People For – so I hope you can step up with a generous, triple-matched contribution today.
You see, People For is a different kind of organization from many of the other groups in Washington D.C. these days.
They’re not afraid to take on the tough fights – like exposing and disrupting the far-right extremists who are increasingly turning to intimidation and violence.
They’re also not afraid to confront our allies when it’s needed – such as leading a broad coalition to run multiple direct actions in front of the White House in recent months to protest President Biden’s lack of action on voting rights.
They know that elections matter – and pitch in hard not only on the national level races, but also in the critical off-year elections that make a huge difference in peoples’ lives.
And, they’re smart and strategic when it comes to the long-term issues, including years of work to protect the independence of our government’s judicial branch and advocate for judges who respect justice and equality for ALL, not just the wealthy and well-connected.
I’m hoping that you agree with me that the vision of America that People For fights to achieve – one that actually implements the ideals of freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for everyone – deserves support. And that any nonprofit advocacy organization is only as strong as the support it receives from its members.
So looking ahead to 2022, with critical midterm elections coming up, allow me to ask: please renew your membership with People For by making a generous, 3-X matched donation today.
The road ahead won’t be easy – it never has been. But to paraphrase Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the long moral arc of the universe does in fact bend towards justice – and I have a lot of faith in Ben and his small but powerful team to be one of the most effective levers out there today to bend that arc the right way.
With gratitude,
Alyssa Milano, People For Board Member
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