My end of month campaign fundraising deadline is midnight tonight, and I’m $10,037 short of my goal!
This is crushing!
Will you make a donation right now to help me catch up?
November has been a tough month. We’ve had to delay plans, which makes this so much more difficult to win as we’re only 266 days away from the primary!
The GOP Establishment is rallying around my opponent Do-Nothing Daniel Webster while he’s positioning himself as an outsider – which is ridiculous.
Webster’s tag line is “America isn’t broken, Washington is.” Yet this is a man who has been in Washington for over a decade!
At what point in time will he realize that he’s part of the problem?
He won’t, because that’s what Establishment politicians do – they cling to power while doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for America and their constituents.
Help me change this. Help me get to Washington so I can speak truth to power and show America how truly broken Washington REALLY IS, and show America how truly broken our Republican Party is – and work to change it!
Today is “Giving Tuesday”, so will you go big today and donate $100? If not, can you donate at least $25?
Again, I have $10,037 to raise by midnight – and I’m really worried we’ll come up short.
Please chip in whatever amount you can afford, and thank you so much for everything that you do.
Laura Loomer
Paid for by Laura Loomer for Congress Inc
Contributions to Laura Loomer for Congress Inc are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.