Friends – Hundreds of grassroots supporters have brought us halfway to our $66,000 goal. Can you join to help close the gap?

Halfway There!

Friends --

We’re over halfway to our #GivingTuesday goal to add $66,000 to the fight against right-wing “pro-Israel” groups in Washington. I’m continuing to match your contributions as they come in, right through to Wednesday morning.

Here’s why it’s important:

As Jeremy wrote earlier, across Israel and the United States, progressives are engaged in a shared fight against the Israeli right’s efforts to build and bulldoze their way to permanent, undemocratic control over Palestinian land -- trampling Palestinian freedoms and Israel’s democratic future in the process.

That fight is as urgent as ever. Israeli authorities have demolished the homes of over 900 Palestinians since President Biden took office. Naftali Bennett’s “change” government has announced thousands of new settlement units cutting deep into Palestinian territory.

Still, too many in Washington cling to an old political playbook that says it’s politically impossible to push back against the Israeli right and stand up for our values -- even when it’s in Israel’s own interests.

Together, we can change that calculus -- but we need the resources to counter those who will do anything they can to maintain the status quo.

Can we count on you to help close the gap, today?

Donate $18 (which becomes $36) >>

Donate $36 (which becomes $72) >>

Donate $54 (which becomes $108) >>

Donate another amount >>

It’s no secret that we face an array of well-funded, right-leaning organizations claiming to speak for our community in Washington (as well as a slew of Trumpist politicians who have made aligning with the Israeli right a core element of their political persona).

But we’ve got something better -- we’ve got people.

We've got the overwhelming majority of Democratic voters who oppose settlement expansion, who reject the false choice between security and human rights, and who support freedom and self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians -- and the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters who support that too.

And that means we can win.

With Trump’s crew out of power in the House, Senate and White House, now is the time for our pro-Israel, pro-peace movement to push forward and solidify meaningful changes to the policies and politics of Israel/Palestine in our country.

Please take me up on the offer to match your contribution this Giving Tuesday and invest in this fight.



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© 2021 J Street | | [email protected]

J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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