Trick-or-treating bans violate the First Amendment

What is the scariest thing about Halloween? How about the possibility that trick-or-treaters out after 8 p.m., or teenagers trick-or-treating at any time, can be thrown in jail?

Unfortunately, as Daniel Ortner explains, that nightmarish scenario is a reality in some parts of the country.

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Fox News: Local governments accused of imposing unconstitutional trick-or-treating laws

Fox News, whose hosts have covered trick-or-treat bans on their broadcasts, caught wind of our spooky blog post warning trick-or-treaters around the country to stand up for their constitutional rights.

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Government unions are trying to trap employees into paying union fees for life

Last summer, the Supreme Court affirmed in Janus v. AFSCME that public employees have a First Amendment right to work without being forced to pay a public employee union. That is, workers may choose for themselves if they want to join and pay a union.
But as Deborah La Fetra writes, Janus isn’t stopping government unions from trying to trap state workers into lifelong union membership.

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