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Because of friends like you, during the extended isolation of the pandemic, Identity students stayed connected to their education, older youth to their workforce training, and parents were equipped to help them.  
Spring Break 2021 was a turning point for these Wellness Center youth. It was the first time after quarantine they were able to meet in person with staff and each other for recreational field trips.  The students' laughter, joy and positive energy were palpable. 

Will you consider a gift to Identity on Giving Tuesday to keep this work going?

You can double your impact thanks to a generous match from the Cliff and Deborah White Family Fund.

You can make a difference to thousands of youth and families. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Identity donors helped deliver lifesaving safety-net and emotional support to over 13,000 clients benefitting 50,000 residents - nearly 13 times more than the same period before the pandemic.
You can make a difference
You can make an impact while you shop for Black Friday deals.
Simply shop at and AmazonSmile will donate to Identity, at no cost to you.
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We send updates periodically to friends of Identity and individuals who have supported our work.

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c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, Suite 300
Rockville, Maryland 20855

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