From Volunteers of America <[email protected]>
Subject Friend, it's not too late to show love to a hungry family
Date November 30, 2021 10:08 PM
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Don't wait to change a life

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Dear Friend,

It's just inspiring how many people have donated as part of
Giving Tuesday today.

Will yours be next?

You can show a hungry family, a homeless veteran or low-income senior
that THEY ARE NOT ALONE, and that hope is on the way. Your donation
will lift up individuals in urgent need-and help them to not
only survive but THRIVE.

Remember, every dollar you donate will be doubled, thanks to a
generous fellow supporter's offer to match up to $50,000!

Don't miss your chance to help twice as many neighbors in need
with lifesaving VOA services this holiday season. Please, be as
generous as you can.

Donate now >>

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Thank you for loving your neighbors!

Mike King
President and CEO, Volunteers of America

Donate now >>

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