Hello Friend,
The challenges facing our country are daunting right now. But so is our hope, so is our energy, so is our vision, and so too, is our conviction that together, we can create a peaceful, just, green future we all deserve.
On July 4th we choose to honor all who have sacrificed to build the promise of real democracy, to extend it to all - and to overcome the unconscionable legacy of slavery and Indigenous genocide that tragically lives on.
It takes courage to struggle for this more perfect union.
It takes courage for 99% of us to survive in today's 1% world.
It takes day-in, day-out courage to fight the status quo and the voices of disempowerment.
And it takes a special kind of courage—and vision—to support a political party founded on the principle that “business as usual” is unacceptable, unjust and unsurvivable.
We need a country and a world that works for us all.
Change must come. Now.
Will you chip in $20.19 or $51.00 to help us bring a world that works for us all? <[link removed]>
The Green Party is alive and well because of everyone who gives their dollars and volunteer hours. Every donation helps us support candidates and local parties that are working everyday to bring change.
Like every other fed up, “can’t be bought”, moral person who has walked this walk before us—Sojourner Truth, Mother Jones, Frances Perkins, Rosa Parks, Rev. Martin Luther King, Cesar Chavez, Ralph Nader, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Kenya's Wangari Maathai and so many others--we know that no force on earth can stop a revolution whose time has come.
You can help even more with your monthly donation of $10, $15 or more. <[link removed]> Every donation - even $5 or $7 a month <[link removed]> - gets us closer to the society we want to see.
Today, as many of us enjoy a day of picnics, family and friends, fireworks, and parades, we wanted to stop for a second and thank YOU for your courage and ongoing support.
Before the last picnic table is cleared and the final frisbee is caught, we'll be hard at work again, racing against time to overturn a political system that is throwing us all under the bus, and that is unraveling before our eyes.
We are desperate for new policies that put people and the environment first... that create an economy 99% of us can thrive in... and that won't tolerate racism or kidnapping children or homophobia or climate destruction or wars for oil in any form.
We don’t take corporate money. That’s why your donation of any amount today will help us create a world for <[link removed]>everyone. <[link removed]>
This July 4th, may we all enjoy ourselves (and reflect on standing on stolen land) and be renewed in our courage to create an America that’s truly for all of us… a renewed society where justice from sea to shining sea rings out across an abundant, beautiful, restored Gaia mother earth, where people, planet and peace prevail.
We hope to see you at the Annual meeting in Salem, MA in a couple of weeks.
Happy 4th!
Tamar Yager
Dee Taylor
Annual Meeting Committee Co-Chairs
Monthly donors
P.S.: Your donation <[link removed]> helps us produce live-stream shows from our Annual National Meeting in Salem in a couple of weeks. For more information go to salem.gp.org <[link removed]>.
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Green Party of the United States
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Green Party of the United States - PO Box 75075, Washington, DC 20013, United States
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