
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin has faced record-breaking rates of gun violence. We are as committed as ever to our mission to prevent gun violence, injuries, and deaths in Wisconsin. If you want to help, there's still time to take part in our 24-Hour Giving Tuesday Match.

Generous donors will make a gift that matches any amount we raise before midnight tonight. This is a great opportunity to double the impact of donations, and we want to take full advantage of it. 

>>Please, click here to contribute to today's Wave of Giving by making a donation to WAVE. The support you provide before midnight tonight will be matched, dollar-for-dollar. 

I hope I can count on you,

Heidi Rose
Program Director


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Hey John,

Together we can accomplish extraordinary things. Today, thoughtful, concerned citizens like you are coming together to support organizations like WAVE that do the difficult, essential work of standing up for our values and for what matters most.

WAVE Educational Fund is participating in Giving Tuesday, the global day of generosity. As always, you have many reasons to support WAVE and the work that we do together. Today, however, you have one more: a few generous supporters saw that despite COVID and the accompanying skyrocketing rates of gun violence in the past two years, our efforts have not waivered.

The observed as we have continued to work tirelessly to prepare the next generation of gun violence prevention leaders, to encourage people to participate in civic processes, to strive for racial equity, and to gain widespread support for evidence-based, lifesaving gun violence prevention legislation and community-level violence interruption programs. Impressed, they offered to match any donations we raise before midnight tonight, up to $7,500.

>>Click here to make a Giving Tuesday donation right now, and your gift will be matched, dollar-for-dollar.

We cannot do this essential gun violence prevention work without your support. Beyond your donation, we need you to help spread the word. Please tell your friends and family why you care about our work, and encourage them to support us, too!

With your help creating a Wave of Giving today, I promise you we will continue our fight for our shared values and the safety of Wisconsinites. 

Please donate to WAVE's 2021 Giving Tuesday campaign before midnight, and help us take advantage of the exceptional opportunity to have your gift matched to have twice the impact.

Thank you for your commitment to keeping Wisconsin safe and being part of the team! Together, we can prevent gun violence in Wisconsin.

With gratitude,

Jeri Bonavia
Executive Director

P.S. We are giving back to you, too! Enjoy a fun day of entertainment on our Facebook page.



WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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