Jack — Today is Giving Tuesday! In that spirit, we wanted to take a moment to highlight a wonderful organization doing critical community work to address some of the health inequities that have existed during the pandemic. 

While vaccination rates continue to rise in many places across the country, countless marginalized and underserved communities are still struggling with access to the COVID-19 vaccine and healthcare personnel staffing. One of these communities is the Navajo Nation. Organizations like Team Rubicon are doing the hard — but necessary — work of filling the gaps of our healthcare system during this ongoing crisis. Please join us in supporting Team Rubicon by making a Giving Tuesday contribution today!


As we know from the CDC’s most recent updates, we’re still not out of the woods, Jack. As of this week, we’re still only at about a 60% vaccination rate nationwide. It is imperative that we work with our nonprofit partners to ensure that every community can be fully vaccinated as soon as possible. 

Historically underserved communities — like the Navajo Nation — have been disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in so many ways. That’s why we must fight for more equitable access to healthcare across our nation. It’s going to take investment from all of us to ensure that our most vulnerable neighbors and communities have equitable access to vaccines, protective equipment, healthcare professionals, and every other life-saving tool during this pandemic and in the future.

Team Rubicon is doing this invaluable work. Let’s help them by investing in their efforts today! Please join us in supporting Team Rubicon this Giving Tuesday. >>


As always, thank you for your generous support! 

— Dr. Hiral Tipirneni