Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible For Helping

My Discovering Personality Course discount ends in 24 hours. In the course, I have condensed decades of my life by studying the disciplines of clinical psychology and self-empowerment. In this 5-hour lecture series, you will find more information than you would get in the typical semester-long personality course at university. 

More than 40,000 people have joined the course so far, and their feedback is overwhelmingly positive. The overall rating is 4.5 out of 5, and the exclusive members-only community is active with students sharing stories, helping each other grow, and offering support. 

We ask every graduate for rigorous feedback. Below, I have included experiences from past students from these feedback sessions. 
Enroll Now

Student Experiences 

"By following this course, I understood how people are different and that these differences are deeper than a matter of opinion or education. I now understand myself better and the personalities of other people, so I'm more able to communicate with them. I think I'm more tolerant because the course made it clear in my mind that we need these differences and why they exist. 

It was a great opportunity for me to follow a high-level psychology course. Mr Peterson has an incredible talent for explaining complex concepts, and it is a pleasure to listen to him.

I keep thinking every day about these concepts, and I'm very grateful that this course is open to everyone."

Delphine, France

"For the price of a university textbook, you can get a better education than you would get in a full semester or more of an entire course of study.

You will learn helpful ideas about personality and, most importantly, why the full spectrum of each trait likely has been preserved across human evolution.

Dr Peterson is an unbelievably thoughtful teacher, and the way he profoundly thinks about a topic is a model that would better the world if more people could emulate it.

You will become a better thinker and have a better framework to understand the world from this course."

Mike, United States

"Clear, concise, and wonderfully delivered content. Dr Peterson is truly a master of his craft. He is scientifically minded and uses practical examples to convey the relevance of the data. So helpful for me to continue to learn how to view life through an evolutionary lens."

Anthony, United States

If you're interested in enrolling in the course, the 53% discount is still available for the next 24 hours. 
Enroll Now

I look forward to welcoming you on the course,

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

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