
I’ll make this quick. I wanted to make sure you saw Adam’s email from this morning. 

Giving Tuesday is a huge moment in our fundraising plans. If you’re watching the news and feeling a sense that you cannot make a difference on the issue of gun violence, you’re mistaken. I need you with us. A generous donor will match every donation given by the midnight tonight up to $5,000.

Donate $20 now!

We’re about 67% to our goal, and could use your help to meet the mark before midnight tonight. Your donation will mean a more ambitious plan for next year from our team to address gun violence and stop bad legislation in its tracks.

Already this year, we’ve stopped multiple pieces of legislation that would have made us all less safe, and we worked to secure $50 million in funding for community gun violence prevention programs. Our impact is real, but we can be even stronger with your help today.

Thank you so much for being in the fight with us. We’re so grateful to be doing this work with you.


Jeff Yurcan
Director of Development
CeaseFire PA



Friend -

This holiday season, many of us are gathering around tables for family meals to share memories and create new ones. For far too many, an empty chair is a constant reminder of the violence that took their loved one too soon and the country that failed to act. 

Together we’re making progress to end gun violence. Our grassroots network delayed passage of legislation to make it easier to carry concealed firearms for nearly a year, generating bipartisan opposition. Our coalition of faith and community leaders, survivors, veterans, law enforcement, and doctors helped win significant funding for community violence prevention programs. 

This Giving Tuesday I am asking you to be part of the vast coalition of faith and community leaders, survivors, veterans, law enforcement, and doctors - because the problems we face are big but not impossible to overcome. When you stand behind us, we can remember those who couldn't be saved from this crisis by taking action for a safer Pennsylvania.

Simple solutions vastly agreed upon by the majority of Pennsylvanians, such as universal background checks, are within our grasp with your help. In the last few weeks, our organizing team has convinced legislators to oppose deadly legislation that would allow anyone to carry a concealed firearm. They organized rallies outside legislative offices and drove media coverage across the Commonwealth.

Now, they are mobilizing our partners and allies to push for real solutions to a gun violence crisis that seems to get worse every day.

Each dollar you give helps to organize a volunteer and grow our coalition to hold those in power accountable. Can I count on you to help address this uniquely American problem on #GivingTuesday?


With so many problems surrounding us, I’m asking you this #GivingTuesday to give a little to help to address this crisis we all face. 

Together, we’ll make a safer world. 

Adam Garber
Executive Director 
CeaseFire PA


P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

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