John -

Today is the last day of the month and I only have hours left before my fundraising deadline.

I want to post a number that will make the swamp socialists shake, but I’m behind my goal.

I need your help.
Here’s the bottom line: We need to ramp up our efforts to take back control of Congress from radical socialists and FIRE Nancy Pelosi.

Whenever I post a big fundraising total, socialists in DC get scared. Why? Because they know I use your donations to fund my messaging campaigns against their radical proposals like amnesty for illegal immigrants, the Green New Deal, and tax hikes on the middle class.

They also know that your donations go directly to firing every single Democrat who has enabled Nancy Pelosi’s radical agenda.

That’s why this end of month fundraising goal is so important. We’re less than a year away from the next election and we can’t let off the gas.

I’m going to spend the next year exposing the truth about the Democrat agenda and pouring every dime I have into FIRING Nancy Pelosi.

But, John, I can’t do this without your help. 

Please don’t wait. Get in the fight now.
Thank you for fighting for our shared conservative values.

In service,
Former Navy SEAL and Congressman
Dan Crenshaw
Thank you for fighting for our conservative values. Your support is extremely valuable and crucial for Republicans to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Dan Crenshaw is counting on you to help him restore America and teach our kids to to be grateful for our Founding, our Constitution, our Flag, and our People. If you would like to become a Sustaining Donor to Dan Crenshaw's messaging campaign for 2022, please click here. If you prefer to donate by check, please make your donation payable to Crenshaw for Congress, P.O. Box 430965, Houston, TX 77243.
Paid for by Dan Crenshaw for Congress