As-salaam alaykum (Peace be upon you),
Today's the day! Today is when we flood the internet with our #MuslimAnd stories. Imagine the kind of visibility we can achieve if everyone you know is seeing some post using #MuslimAnd today. Imagine what will go through folks' minds as stereotypes shatter before their eyes. That's what we did last year with posts like this video, or this Tweet thread, or this Instagram post and comments, just to name a few!
If you're not Muslim, you can post your #MuslimAnd ally story, or simply post in solidarity like this example or this example. For more, check out the hashtag on Instagram or on Twitter.
So please, post using the hashtag on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook today (tag Advocates for Youth and we'll uplift your post)! Here's some examples to inspire you:
For Allies
- Growing up in a small town, I heard so many untrue things about Muslims in the media. Now, I support my Muslim loved ones pushing back against these stereotypes. They are #MuslimAnd intersectional. #MuslimAnd protesting injustice. #MuslimAnd THRIVING!
For Muslims
- Your common idea of who Muslims are is almost certainly wrong. I'm #MuslimAnd dedicated to social justice. I'm #MuslimAnd I support honest, inclusive Sex Ed. I have friends who are #MuslimAnd teaching your kids in public schools. I'm also just #MuslimAnd obsessed with fashion. Put simply, I am #MuslimAnd Proud!
For students groups or organizations
- Proud to see young Muslims taking over our social media feeds today with their #MuslimAnd stories. Muslims are not a monolith. They are #MuslimAnd LGBTQ, #MuslimAnd refugees, #MuslimAnd journalists, #MuslimAnd supporting reproductive justice! Today, they're #MuslimAnd inspiring
(ANOTHER IDEA - if you're mostly a non-Muslim group, you could also ask a Muslim staffer or volunteer to post on your social media account telling their story about being "#MuslimAnd fighting for students" or "#MuslimAnd proud of working for ORGANIZATION to lower housing costs," etc.
Check out and share Advocates for Youth's Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for more content.
Thanks for your support and solidarity.
Khadija Khan
Manager, Muslim Youth Leadership Council
Advocates for Youth