Special interests and extremist billionaires are holding our democracy hostage, friends.

A prime example of this is the right-wing effort to turn the Supreme Court into the judicial arm of Republican donor interests. Since the shady extremists can’t muster enough popular support to pass their legislative agenda in the light of day, they’ve gone “all in” on capturing the Court so they can have their way on dark money in elections, climate change and gun violence (among other issues).

I’m fully dedicated to shining a light on this masquerade, and I’m leading an important initiative – Oceans PAC – to elect lawmakers who can’t be bought by the fossil fuel lobby and other special interests. But I need your help to defeat the dark-money donors infecting our politics – so I’m reaching out today:

Grassroots action is how we get dark money out of our politics. Will you donate $5 or more to Oceans PAC today to help elect lawmakers who will stand up to special interests and take action against climate change, corruption and greed?

Want an example? Check out the Roberts court’s decision blocking an Obama-era plan to limit carbon emissions – precisely what the big polluters wanted. The Court’s environmental rulings have been particularly egregious, but over and over, special interests seem to come out on top in a partisan 5-to-4 decision.

It doesn’t have to be this way: I’m using Oceans PAC to combat the dark-money donors’ anonymous money and support Democratic candidates who will stop the forced takeover of our courts, Congress and executive branch. Will you contribute $5 or more today to help elect Democratic candidates who will stand up to the fossil fuel lobby and other corrupt special interests?

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