After Democrats lost big in purple and blue states like Virginia and New Jersey, they are going to have a reinvigorated push to win in South Carolina
McMaster for Governor
John, I need your help.

We're at the end of November, and after chatting with our campaign team, we're still short of our November goal.

We're just 55 donors short – and only have until midnight tonight to make up the difference. Will you help by becoming one of the 55 needed before 11:59 PM?

Contributions needed before Midnight: 55
Your November Contribution: PENDING

Chip in before 11:59 PM »

Last year, we saw how Democrats invested heavily in the south – especially right here in South Carolina.

And after Democrats lost big in purple and blue states like Virginia and New Jersey, they are going to have a reinvigorated push to win in South Carolina next year! John, we need a solid grassroots push from folks like you to keep up the pace.

With all the liberal money flooding South Carolina and attacks coming my way, it's important to ensure our early re-election groundwork is fully funded and prove that we have the energy behind this campaign.

Please chip in whatever you can before midnight tonight. Your contribution, whether it's $5 or $500, will help us get one step closer to 55 additional donations before midnight!

Thanks for your support.

Yours very truly,

Henry McMaster
Governor of South Carolina

Donate Today »

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